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Small Businesses
By JOE MAILLET 3,339 views

Know Inside out about How Zoom Clone is Ultra-practical to the Small Businesses

Small businesses are one crucial part of our global economy. The small companies today are often tomorrow’s giants and every business tycoon today started only from the foundation.

But as far as small businesses are concerned, it becomes quite challenging for them to adapt to the cutting-edge tools which will lead to a successful path. The reason behind this is because they don’t have enough resources like the larger organizations. 

But however, the two areas of technology that the small businesses are leveraging are digital mass-media marketing and video conferencing. In this blog, we are going to have a look at how beneficial video conferencing solutions like Zoom Clone are to small businesses.

Multi-tasking advantage

When we look closely at the small business, we can see a number of moving parts of the trade like operations, human resources, administrative tasks, taxes, sales, and more. A small business owner has to wear a lot of hats. For a small business, it cannot be very pleasant to repeat oneself to many different people. For example, when it is a B2B business, there are many instances where they may have to explain a new product or new service to everyone. With video conferencing or while streaming live, they can explain in real-time. Even while some may have missed it, they don’t have to download the mobile app, as one can directly forward it to their contacts. 

Launching new products

Small businesses are always innovative. There are still new ideas born every now and then. But due to the limited resources, those new innovations or thoughts won’t reach the users as expected. But webinars can be used as a useful tool. As it lets the people attend the live event, on giving a clear presentation of the new product, people can participate and clarify their doubts regarding the product, right from their mobile devices. 

Getting valuable feedback

Marketing work or sales can be sufficient only when we get to know the wants and needs of the customer. But it is not possible until we ask the customer themselves. This is possible when we use video conferencing solutions. It is possible to ask the customers right away about what they think about the new ideas. The feedback can be polled and measured right there during the conference call. As it is a conference call, there will be a lot of customers in one place at a single time. So this will be a great chance to ask their opinions. 

Promoting ideas

Using video conferencing, it gets easier to get a response from the customers immediately and directly. Without having to go with the whole trial and error process, ideas can be brought to their attention and will help significantly in knowing whether they would be successful or not. It also helps considerably in maintaining a good relationship with the customers. When they begin to feel that they have a voice, they feel more invested.

Solving customers’ queries

With many virtual tools like screen sharing and remote access that comes along with video conferencing, the customers can make great use of it by calling for problems. They can even show the service through a video feed to make it easier. IT-oriented businesses have the upper hand in availing this advantage. 

Promoting products and services

Video conferencing software allows video conferences to convert into media quickly. In case if the demonstration of a new product went well, then the same can be used as uploaded on the social media platforms to gain more traction. It will kindle the interest of potential customers to the business. It will be even of great benefit to the businesses that have online sales components. People are nowadays attracted to finding products online rather than going to the physical store.

Video conferencing

Reducing travel time 

If we take conventional marketing into consideration, imagine that for a business to gain visibility, there will be a lot of places one has to travel to and a lot of people that one has to meet. But concentrating on these things will only make things disarrayed. Swiftly replacing these activities with video conferencing helps improve the overall experience of collaborating and connecting with people.

 Training new employees

If someone has to be trained for something new, the chances are high that the same thing has to be repeated. But it can affect the productivity of the higher official, as he/she may have to go through the whole thing again. But making one short video for every procedure and sharing it with employees can be kept for later use and can be replayed until they get the concept. 

As a final thought,

There are even more benefits of video conferencing solutions like Zoom Clone for business that cannot be covered in this blog. But we can always see that despite the size of the business, it can be leveraged by anyone. Hence, grab this robust solution and redefine success!

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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