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stress management diet

Perfect Diet Guide for Stress Management

Sami Anwar– CEO of Zain Medical Center says stress is one of the common issues we all deal with in everyday life. However, how we deal with it make all the difference. Stress management is essential for everyone who deals with stress or anxiety. After all, anything in excess, including stress is harmful to our mental and physical health.

So how one can stay away from stress? The answer is a healthy diet. Let’s explore a few good stress-buster food items with Zain Medical Center, which is one of the stress management technique.

1. Spinach

spinach for stress management

Most people may not know that lack of magnesium can cause headaches, and increase stress. Further, Spinach is a good source of magnesium. It reduces stress level, anxiety, and also improve the ability to think. In case you don’t like spinach, try other green, leafy vegetables, or cooked soybeans. They are also high in magnesium.

2. Complex Carbs

Most people may not know about complex carbs and their benefits. According to Zain Medical Center, serotonin in our brain helps in improving mood, sleep, memory, and many other functions.  Therefore, for the supply of this chemical, complex carbs are the best choice. The good choice includes oatmeal, pasta, whole-grain bread, etc. Even it also helps in balancing the blood sugar level.

3. Oranges


Oranges are a very good source of Vitamin C. As we all know, that vitamin can balance the level of stress hormones and strengthen the immune system with ease. According to experts, it is also helpful in balancing high blood pressure, and level of stress hormone. So, make sure you add oranges in your everyday diet.

4. Simple Carbs

Many experts at Zain Medical Center recommend simple carbs for individuals to stay healthy and fit. You can find these carbs in sweets and soda. A pinch of simple carbs is enough to supply serotonin. However, it doesn’t stay for longer, so make sure you do not consume it in excess.

5. Black Tea Role in Stress Management

black tea

Everyone knows the magic of tea. But do you know what black tea can do for you? One cup of black tea in a day can easily recover you from any kind of stress or anxiety. Experts at Zain medical center says that drinking black tea in limit but regularly makes you calm and reduce stress level.

6. Avocados as Stress Management Diet

Do you know diet to control blood pressure? Well, Avocados is the answer and plays a major role in stress management. It contains a sufficient amount of potassium that can balance high blood pressure. Furthermore, the benefit of adding avocados in your diet is its capability to reduce your craving for high-fat diet due to stress. Remember, avocados contain high calories and fat, so watch out the quantity you consume.

7. Fatty Fish

fatty fish as stress management diet

Fatty fish is a good source to reduce and control stress hormones and is one of the stress management diet. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that not only control stress hormones but also protect you from heart disease, depression, etc. If you good amount of omega-3s, you must consume a good amount of fatty fish at least two times a week.

Final Words

So these are the few good stress management diet options that you must add in your diet. Nowadays everyone, including Zain Medical center, CEO Sami Anwar knows the value of a healthy diet and habits. To fight with problems like stress, anxiety, and depression, make sure you work on your eating habits and lifestyle. People who follow a good lifestyle usually deal with less health problems in life.

Zain Medical Center

Zain Medical Center is a non-profit organization providing comprehensive patient care through multi-specialty clinics in Richland and Sami Anwar is a managing director of Zain Medical Center.

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