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By JOE MAILLET 1,795 views

How to write a Perfect Essay

An essay is a style that everyone can make if they know the basics. Writing it should have sources and partly, your opinions and constructive criticisms. It should be factual to have a solid claim and for the readers to see its relevance. The objective is to attract readers to your ideas. Also, it is a way to develop someone’s critical thinking skills. For some, writing is not easy. They are having a dilemma in constructing what they want to talk about or to point out. To help some people who wanted a clean, perfect essay, here are some tips for you:

Before anything else, you must know what topic you would want to write. Having an interest in what you are writing is very important. If you have the eagerness to compose an essay, it may result in a quality paper. Also, you can focus and be done in a snap.

Creating an outline can help you in organizing the flow of your content. Sometimes, when we have so many inputs in our minds, we tend to type anything that we thought of. The possibilities are your write-ups can be messy. The thoughts can be shady because they are not well written. You can also check an article review example as a basis in how you will write it.

  • Search and read factual evidence.

Searching and reading research is very important in writing a perfect essay. This is one of the core reasons why you need to write an essay. Why? Because this is where you will gather all your factual claims. Either contradicting what you wanted to imply or supporting your constructive criticisms in a certain topic.

  • Body Content.

After choosing your topic, knowing the flow of your paper, and searching for several claims, it’s time to write your content. Usually, in writing it the first paragraph is talking about your topic’s definition, technical terms and other important details that are purely based on research. This is where you will be inserting the contradicting claims from different articles, journals, credible sites and such.

In the second paragraph, you will now write your objectives. Answering “Why do we need to talk about this?”, “What can be the arising issue about this certain topic?” and “What can you contribute to the possible issue”. Through that, you can build up your paper in becoming interesting.

The third and can be the last paragraph is talking about your claims. This is where constructive criticism follows. You may answer either only yes or no. If you wanted a perfect essay, you must know first which side you are on. Most of the readers are reading your article for your inputs, so playing both yes and no won’t help them. Moreover, if you write it with a very strong claim from researches, for sure you can and will attract readers because they are curious about your insights. Always remember to end your claims with a note that those are your understanding of your topic. It is also good if you persuade them to compose their paper. Ending with that you can be also mentioned in their write ups. Who knows, right?

  • Check Grammars.

Grammar checking is important because each word either, adverb, adjectives, verb and noun if not applied well, it may turn out differently. If you wanted a perfect essay, I recommend that you should share it with your knowledgeable friends. It is much better if you have English major friends. Also, if you can, you may try a free grammar check online. We have Grammarly, Scribens, Virtual writing tutor, Grammarix, etc.

  • Finalize your paper.

This is the part where you should be confident about your paper. Like if someone will ask you about your paper, you can tell them your opinions bravely. You know to yourself that you give an effort to know important and helpful information about your topic.

Remember that a perfect essay, research, journal and even claims in theories are all debatable. There are no mistakes in knowing another side of the story. So, if someone gives you a negative impression or thoughts about your paper, don’t look at that as your weakness, but as another learning. That your future reader may help you gather more data. Writing is a limitless skill that we can all have. You can always write what you want.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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