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work and travel
By JOE MAILLET 2,122 views

How to Work and Travel like a Pro?

Work and travel are two things that many dreams of combining, yet it has always been pushed to the side, with many believing they could not achieve this balance. Technology, however, has made this possible. Many industries allow people to work while on the road as they travel from country to country. So if this is your dream, you can do it.

Slow travel is the best way to experience a city and to see all that the area holds. You don’t need to be always on the move to see the world, you simply need to be willing to head out of your comfort zone and to make a new home for yourself somewhere new.

That being said, with the rise of remote working always being on the go can be completely possible if that is what you have always dreamed.

In both situations, however, you need to up your game.

Be Realistic About Opportunities

Remote work is on the rise, yes, but not every industry is suitable. In some cases looking for positions in a new city that you can take on for a year or more is going to have to be the way to go. If you live on one side of the coast and move to the other you have so many travel opportunities – you will also just have a home base.

The medical industry, for example, is not one you can casually travel around the country or even around the world. Rather than working on the go, you will instead want to visit a job search site like Fusion Med Staff to find job postings around the country that suit your dreams best. This is a fantastic opportunity for medical professionals, who wish to help others in different countries.

Look Specifically for Remote Roles

If the work you do isn’t location-dependent, then you will want to look specifically for remote roles. They are becoming increasingly popular as employers realize they can source from a large pool of talent and reduce their office size and cost. It’s a win-win for everyone.

1.    Remote Working

The first option will be a remote role where you have the freedom to work from anywhere, but not anytime. Rather, you will want to find a great café or better yet invest in a coworking space for the day or month (or however you intend to stay in that destination). It is a regular workday with the exception that you can live where you want.

Note: There will likely be some restrictions when it comes to time zones. Employers who need to be in communication with you will ideally want you to work during the same hours they do.

2.    Freelancing

Freelancing is another option that gives you greater control over the hours that you work and is more suited for adventuring-type travels rather than slow travelers. To find freelance work, you need to set up your own business, both for tax reasons and to attract new clients and work. You can either work for a company where they outsource work to you, or you can acquire clients on your own. The work you do will depend on your industry and talents.

Working and traveling is entirely possible in almost any industry. You simply need to prioritize the place you work in when looking for new opportunities. Sign up to a freelancing website or if you work in an industry like medicine or science, there are great opportunities worldwide.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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