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Content Strategy
By SARAH FELDMAN 2,176 views

Why Short Video Needs to Be Part of Your Content Strategy

The internet has made it possible for online content producers to offer a range of possibilities and formats to offer the public complete communication. But the videos have become a great highlight, since they can attract the attention of the viewer due to its dynamics and fluidity when telling some story.

Reasons to invest in videos in marketing strategy are not lacking. According to a survey released by Cisco, by 2020 82% of Internet traffic will be generated only by videos. Another study by Video Brewery shows that 90% of respondents reported that watching a video of a product was a key factor in the purchase decision. But if you still have not convinced yourself, no problem, now you will discover 5 reasons to invest in videos.

Why video marketing is on the rise?

Video is the present and future of digital marketing. This is completely current: blogs have given space to YouTubers, Facebook texts have been replaced by a huge amount of videos in the timeline, and so on. The internet has made the disclosure democratic. No more need to invest in prime-time television to be able to view its content. There is online space for all brands and audiences, cheaply, of course.

The video is attractive and can instigate who is watching by interaction, sound, images and creativity. So, you can no longer ignore that audiovisual content is a powerful tool. Using it the right way can bring a lot of results to your business. Delivering high quality content that engages and conquers is one of the great challenges of a modern enterprise. One of the most interesting ways to achieve this result is to understand and use the trends in videos; one of the segments with the highest rate of engagement in the market.

Reasons to include short videos in your content strategy.

It’s about time to consider the video in your digital strategy to attract the audience! To convince you once and for all, here is a list with advantages when using the audiovisual in your online content and communication. Check out:

1. Videos are more educational

In fact, video content makes the message more educational. But, learning something depends on the didactics that is used in production and which one of your audience can adapt better. But if you choose video as strategy, your goal may be completed more quickly. This is because audiovisual content has several elements that can aid in learning, such as texts, images, demonstrations and audios.

Therefore, it becomes more educational for those who are watching. This type of format can be used to present a brand, idea, product, or solution. The important thing is that it is as objective and clear as possible, in addition to making it light and attractive.

2. They are one of the most consumed content on the internet

Many companies have already realized that videos are a format widely accepted by consumers. Netflix is ​​a great example. It came and stole the scene carrying with it the most varied types of lovers of series and films. On the other hand, YouTube, to get an idea, is the second largest search engine in the world, second only to Google. With more and more advanced technologies and evolved platforms, it becomes increasingly easy to play quality videos wherever you are. In addition, the production of videos has also become democratic.

From now on anyone who has access to a cell phone can produce. Therefore, there are subjects and audiences for all the niches, something that the television leaves to desire. Currently smartphones are one of the most used means for the audience to watch the content and, as said above, with the advancement of technologies around it, it is easier for the user to play videos of excellent quality.

3. Increase the visibility of the company

One of the reasons for investing in videos is the ease of creating a friendly relationship with your audience and generating conversions for your business. Not considering it in your strategy can become a big delay and a step behind your competitors. Every social media agency that use this type of content get a lot more engagement.

Content in videos brings more engagement than simple posts with texts, photos and links. This shows that by making videos, your content will be more shared, more people will see and consequently your business gains visibility.

4. Improve SEO and search positioning

Several tutorials show that we need to be careful when writing an article and use all the techniques for our link to appear on the main Google page. So, know that videos can be a great way to improve the SEO of your site as well. This is because most search engines look to see if your page has engagement. And, as already said above, video is an excellent tool to make this happen. The most important point to be noted is that when a web page has embedded video, the odds of content being ranked on the first page is much higher.

5. Videos are responsive

One of the reasons for investing in videos is that it is flexible. You can watch it whenever and wherever you want, as long as you have access to the internet. With this, the public does not have to stick to a single device.

That’s why, when creating content, you can expect it to be shared from any device, be it cell phone, tablet or notebook. So, chances of him having a good number of views are even greater, having a connection with the mobile audience. They are one of the biggest consumers of videos, as well as representing the bulk of the internet traffic.

How to invest in short videos for content strategy

Ideally, you should thoroughly plan the purpose of your video, who your audience is, what they are looking for, how to produce, where and how much to post each content. That way, you can apply video marketing to the sales funnel, generating more educated leads so that they are prepared to reach the bottom of the funnel, making the purchase with confidence. As you have seen throughout this text, the reasons for investing in videos in your strategy are many. From them each company meets their needs and thinks of ways to attract the public.

Sarah Feldman

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