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By AMELIA GRANT 1,202 views

5 Dangerous Signs that you Need to Visit a Dentist Immediately

There are a lot of oral issues that can affect your teeth and gums. However, some of them can develop asymptomatically and many people skip dental check-ups because they think that their teeth are healthy.

But the reality is that symptoms may occur when the disease becomes advanced, according to this reputable dentist in greenbelt MD. This means that the treatment will be more costly and complicated. In this article, we have gathered five dangerous signs that you need to visit a dentist immediately.

1. You Have Bad Breath

Bad breath, also called halitosis, means the unpleasant odor of the exhaled air. Even though bad breath can be caused by smelly foods or gastrointestinal problems, oral issues tend to be the most common cause of halitosis.

Conditions like gum disease, tooth decay, and dental abscess can make your breath smelly. It is essential to understand that all these issues can contribute to dangerous consequences. That’s why they should be treated as soon as possible. If you have noticed that your breath has a strange odor, make an appointment with the dentist to evaluate your condition.

2. You Have a Toothache

A toothache tends to be one of the most common oral issues. However, many people tend to use painkillers to ease pain and don’t rush to the dentist. However, a toothache doesn’t occur on its own and it can have an alarming underlying cause.

For example, a dental abscess is a condition in which a tooth becomes infected and develops a pocket with pus. The most common symptoms of this condition include severe toothache, bad breath, swollen gum, and fever. A dental abscess is a life-threatening condition that can cause life-threatening complications.

3. You Have Bleeding Gums

Gum bleeding can be a sign of developing gum disease. Gum disease is a gum inflammation that occurs because of bacteria overgrowth in your oral cavity. The initial stage of this condition is called gingivitis. If left untreated, it can progress and turn into periodontitis.

If your gum bleeding is not accompanied by severe symptoms like periodontal pockets or loose teeth, you can undergo accurate gingivitis treatment to improve your condition. In the case of periodontitis, the treatment will not cure your condition but it will help manage your symptoms.

4. You Have White Lesions in Your Mouth

If you have noticed that your tongue, inner cheeks, and gums are covered with white lesions, you may have oral thrush. Oral thrush, also called oral candidiasis, is a condition that is caused by fungal overgrowth in your mouth. In most cases, it affects infants but many adults can also develop oral thrush. The most common causes of fungal overgrowth include:

  • Medications (especially antibiotics)
  • Increased consumption of sweets
  • Diabetes
  • Weakened immunity system

In some people, oral thrush can disappear on its own but in others, it can spread to the esophagus or other organs. That’s why it is better to visit a dentist for timely treatment.

5. You Have Chipped a Tooth

A chipped tooth can become real trouble since it can cause severe pain and may require immediate treatment. However, if you have chipped only a small tip of the tooth, it can be restored with the help of dental bonding.

If you have a significant tooth fracture, you may need to get a dental crown to restore the function and appearance of the damaged tooth. Nevertheless, it is essential to visit a dentist in the case of any tooth fracture to evaluate your condition and undergo proper treatment.

The Bottom Line

It is essential to understand that the occurrence of any symptoms in your oral cavity can manifest some conditions. Many dangerous diseases can cause mild symptoms that may even be left unnoticed. That’s why you should visit the dentist for an exam and precise treatment.

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better.

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