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Lovely lady brushing her long beautiful hair in front of mirror at bathroom
By NANCY AHUJA 1,952 views

How to make Unwanted Hair Removal Easy

Most people know IPL as the Indian Premier League, but there is another full form for the same acronym, which is being used in the cosmetic world. Here IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, which acts as a source of broad-spectrum visible light. Certain hi-tech devices use it to target the melanin pigment in hair, destroying the follicles and thereby inhibiting unwanted growth.

Expensive in beauty parlours

Every individual (male or female) who has ever wanted to get rid of unwanted hair should know about IPL hair at removal. Now the cost of this treatment is very expensive when seen in beauty parlours, with the charge being close to $100 per sitting. Also, this price is dependent on the size of the removal area. On the contrary, one needs to pay a one-time price of $200 or above, and it can be used for hair removal as many times as possible. Some individuals may possibly want to know how it feels by scheduling visits at parlours once, and then start doing the same thing at home.

Hair removal as per skin colour

The IPL machine is a painless and permanent way of removing hair while being in the comfort of one’s home. It is able to adjust the intensity of light as per skin type with the help of an inbuilt skin colour detector. One can use it for producing favourable results for the body as well as the face.

Major advantages of IPL hair removal at home

IPL is the most modern treatment method for hair removal from the face and body. The benefits it offers have been listed below:

  • IPL is not as expensive as laser hair removal, carried out in clinics
  • It is sensitive enough for areas such as bikini lines and is also versatile for hair removal in the arms and legs
  • There is no razor burn once one starts using these devices. One does not have to use a razor to get smooth and silky skin.
  • There is more privacy at home, which will make a large number of people happy
  • Anyone who feels uncomfortable showing the affected parts to a doctor can simply increase the intensity on the device.
  • IPL treatment can be done at any time as per convenience. One does have to adhere to any particular schedule, which makes it highly flexible.
  • Hair treatment of the whole body can be completed in a few minutes, thereby saving time
  • The only pain a few users experience is in the form of tickles
  • IPL devices focus on certain parts of the body that have more hair than others.
  • The LCD Display will not just show the remaining flashes, but will also give control over the power level

As explained thus far, the best IPL devices are meant to be used at home. However, if someone lives out of a suitcase, the device can be carried easily as it is portable. Most of them are available with two cartridges of different pulses, which means that one will never have to replace or refill it. For exact details on how to use the device on different parts of the body, read the instructions manual carefully.

Essential requirements for IPL

The following requirements must compulsorily be fulfilled by all individuals who wish to make use of this method of hair removal:

  • All Individuals have to be more than 18 years of age
  • One must make it a point to have a discussion on medical condition with one’s doctor before starting the device.
  • Breastfeeding or pregnant women, as well as the photosensitive ones, may find this light-based technology to be unsuitable for them. This again emphasizes the relevance of the above point.

Equipment can be purchased online

Several types of items can now be purchased from the Internet, and the IPL hair removal device is also one of them. By virtue of being online, one can look for attractive deals on them from various reputed websites. Payments can be made by credit cards, debit cards, or Net-banking, and the orders are directly delivered at home.

Important precautions

  1. As per recommendations, one must not go into the Sun at least 48 hours before or after the treatment
  2. Someone whose skin has been recently tanned must not opt for this treatment
  3. With sun protection and proper skincare after IPL treatments, results could last for several years
  4. Do not make use of IPL on the scrotum
  5. IPL should be done in the right quantity, which is neither too less nor too much. Getting the treatment every day is likely to lead to irritated skin, while once in a couple of months will not yield results.

IPL is often confused with laser hair removal, and it mainly differs in terms of the way it works.

Nancy Ahuja

Nancy Ahuja is a fitness and nutrition expert who believes in a healthy lifestyle. She likes to write about fitness and nutrition. She is also an expert adviser to the Medical billing Company who provides accurate patient billing, daily fitness tips, detailed fitness guides and reviews of fitness equipment.

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