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Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
By SMACAR STUDIO 3,371 views

Unleashing the mind with Augmented reality

Augmented Reality is a technology which incorporates virtual objects into the real world and in the process unleashing countless opportunities. This Independence Day,

As the nation rejoices the taste of freedom we first had 70 years ago, let us stroll through the path ahead and look at ways in which we can free our mind and expand our horizons through Augmented Reality or AR.

1. Relying on visual cues

Visual cues have always been a prime motivator in the learning process and creating an imprint on our mind. We cherish teachers who taught us topics using slides and gave projects to explain concepts in a lucid manner. We pretty much record everything around us from the day we are born. But, we work in autopilot usually and zone out the distractions of our daily life. Being bombarded with ads in the digital space, it takes an unique differentiating factor to make your company stand out and get your prospective customer’s attention. Here is where AR comes into the picture. By letting imagination run wild, the user turns into a kid again to explore what the AR 3D model has to offer. AR uses a lot of 3D visual cues and brings to life images and in the process blurring the lines between what makes something real and virtual.

2. Making Monotonous tasks more fun

Humans are bound by the rigorous schedule that daily life has to offer us. When life becomes monotonous, commitments become responsibilities. Tasks like walking and jogging become too difficult a task when it becomes fairly routine. So how do you make these essential tasks more interesting? By gaming it. Pokemon Go pioneered this concept by helping us run and in the process making it look like a treasure hunt for those beloved Pokemons and bringing nostalgic memories back. Fitness companies have increased ROI by adopting AR to bring people out to exercise. Even the Educational sector is in the process of witnessing a sea change after inculcating AR into their teaching methodology. Rote learning is on the way out as Augmented Reality can engage the students and explain concepts in ways that  were not possible before.

3. Listening to feedback

Humans love to be heard. We love to be respected and be pampered. Traditional marketing strategies are mass-produced and do not conform to the aspect of tailored needs. With AR markers in print advertising, you can get analytics and real-time data as the user looks at your ad with his smartphone. A lot of sectors like Real estate, Entertainment and Gaming has inculcated AR for branding and marketing and this has hugely impacted their Return of investment and the way the user sees their brand. A lot of museums, exhibitions and hotels have installed Beacon based AR which can be used to give personalized deals and information to the user depending on the location.

4. Changing the way you communicate

Social media is on the cusp of revolution as bigwigs like Facebook and Snapchat have started integrating AR and VR into their Apps. Facebook has a lot of hope pinned on Occulus Rift and Silicon Valley bigwigs like Apple are aggressively investing on virtual based technologies. AR can let you talk with your friends virtually and revolutionize the way we communicate with people around us. This Independence Day, use AR to bond with your peers and create connections by creating memories virtually.

5. Integrating mind and body

Augmented Reality is increasingly being accepted into the medical fraternity for research purposes in order to help them with surgeries. It also helps people find life-saving devices nearby and save precious time. AR offers you the best resources to experience a safe journey in life and to achieve success to make you independent.

6. Deploying Defence mechanisms

Armed forces are one of the major consumers of AR products. AR can help visualize training scenarios and simulations that are hard to execute in real life. As we celebrate the taste of freedom let us not forget the valuable contributions of our soldiers who strive to protect us from enemies.

We at Smacar, hope you celebrate the 70th year of India’s independence and take an independent view with Augmented Reality that brings out the best in life which is memorable and fun.

smacar studio

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