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hair care guide
By SARA WILSON 1,897 views

Ultimate Hair Care Guide For This Monsoon Season

After living with the burning sun during the daytime in the summer comes the season of smiling for a while which refreshes us by relieving the heat we have experienced in summer. It will make us feel alive for quite some time. As the day goes by, We will have to make changes in our health care to adapt to the situation and climate. Obviously, most of us will make changes to our bodies and skincare. But hair goes neglected most of the time.

Hair Care In Monsoon!

Please be aware of the fact that hair requires additional care in the season of monsoon. As there is excess moisture & very high humidity in the air, The climate becomes more sticky and can easily cause hair damage. As per a stat, Over 90% of people are said to face increased hair fall by over 30% in monsoon. Roughly, It is over 250 single hairs getting lost every day for a common man which is much higher than 60 single hairs in other seasons. Dandruff is another important problem you can face if your hair is not given proper attention and care. Hence we have put together a list of tips that can remain your best hair care guide for this monsoon. They are,

Be Distant From Rainwater

One will obviously have to face rain in the monsoon. Try your maximum to avoid getting drained in rainwater. It is capable of damaging your hair as it might have filthy acids that can possibly damage your hair. If you are forced to face the rain, Make sure you wash your hair with clean water. Prefer soft towels like microfiber that dries water with less friction. This can also apply pressure on wet hair and may lead to hair fall at times.

Know Your Hair Type

Before anything, Get to know about the type of your hair accurately as each hair type requires specified care and approach for its health. Forex, The hair care practice for oily hair doesn’t work for dry hair and vice versa. Use reliable websites like ThreeBestRated® to find the best dermatologist near you and schedule an appointment with him/her. They will have a full checkup and will let you know everything you should know about your hair.

Allow Hair To Breathe

Yes, you heard it, Right? Hair does breathe. This is one of the ways it takes its supplements. Tying hair into buns in the name of hairstyle creates strain in it. This will seriously affect your scalp as it applies over-pressure on it. On the other hand, Over sweating in concentrated areas also adds fuel to the problem. Try your maximum to keep your hair loosely tied which helps hair to nourish itself.

Focus On Your Diet

Diet plays a key role in each of your bodily parts. Make sure you include healthy vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients like folic acid, omega 3, protein, iron, and biotin along with vitamins like C, A & E. Eggs, walnuts, and all dairy products can contribute to the health of your hair while making it shinier too. Don’t forget to drink adequate water as it also contributes to hair growth and is the base of our nutrition source.

Try Short Hair

This is actually a simple hack that will work for many people who cannot handle hair in the monsoon. Making your hair short will surprisingly help you avoid hair fall problems as it helps you reduce pressure on the roots of the hair. It will be easy and quick to manage and maintain your hair. There are people who felt more comfortable having short hair and permanently changed their hair to short.

Allow Natural Drying

As there is already high humidity in the air, You must keep your hair dry at any cost. However, Natural drying is always preferred with gentle handling from a soft towel. If you use hair dryers, Please use them in moderate heat and at a perfect distance from your hair. Bad handling of the hair dryer will obviously lead to hair damage due to its excess heat. While combing, Choose a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair easily. Always having separate combs for each individual is preferred as sharing may lead to infections.

Choose Products Wisely

Hair products always have a serious impact on your hair. Hence choose products that are rich in nutrients that are required in this period of time. Consider your hair type in the process as it differs from one person to another. Obviously the products. Prefer using conditioners after shampoo wash as it gives your hair an added volume and bounce while making it smoother. Using quality hair serum can help you cope with frizz and roughness in damp hair.

Seasonal changes are meant to take a toll on your hair. It is quite natural. You will have to take the necessary steps to keep it in good condition and most importantly healthy. The above-mentioned step would be an eye-opener for you in terms of haircare at this period of time. Make this monsoon happier for your health and hair by strictly following the guide.

Sara Wilson

I'm Sara Wilson, a writer committed to producing interesting and value-rich articles from ThreeBestRated® - A trustworthy company to find the best service in your vicinity with a tap on your mobile phone.

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