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By SHIVA KUSHWAHA 2,696 views

Twitter Marketing Strategy – Another Digital Marketing Platform to Consider in 2021

Twitter is considered a complicated marketing channel by many branded marketers. But the fact is – you can’t avoid thinking about this platform when you are designing a social media marketing strategy for your business.

Twitter is used by several brands and powerful faces to speak about any content in real-time. On average, 320 million monthly users are active on this channel, generating strong interest among the marketers about the platform. As a consequence, the demand for Twitter marketing kept rising. People outsourcing to a social media marketing company in Delhi or Noida prefer acquiring success through strategic planning.

Let us talk about the demanding strategy that can help you to establish your brand on Twitter.

Twitter marketing strategy to consider in 2021

1. Build your brand voice on Twitter:

Twitter is not similar to Facebook where you can read stories and exciting content. People scrolling Twitter timeline wait for those brands that tweet frequently. Audiences follow the brands to retweet the brand voice or find any new updates related to the brand itself.

Instead of losing your brand voice on Twitter, try to make your presence strong on the platform. Share authentic tweets and raise your brand voice on Twitter, connecting with a lot of targeted audiences who are actually waiting for the brand to speak. Create engaging content and showcase your brand on Twitter to seek the attention of the audience.

2. Follow Twitter hashtags and trends:

Content without hashtags on Twitter is meaningless. To make your brand content engaging and to reach out to the right audience for every relevant search, hashtags are very essential.

Whenever you tweet about your brand, don’t forget to use suitable hashtags. The hashtags can be your brand name, it can be something promotional, campaign-oriented, event-based, and so on. Make use of an appropriate set of hashtags and expose your brand to the audience.

Hashtags are the most trending feature of social media nowadays. No matter what event or campaign you want to run, #hashtags make the content more viral. Thus, bringing the right traffic to the doorstep. For Twitter, this is nothing exceptional.

3. Invest in Twitter ads:

Like other social media platforms, Twitter gives you the leverage to run paid ads and promote your brand across the audience. Promoted tweets expand quickly than normal tweets that are made for enhancing organic reach.

The specialty of promoted tweets is people can discover your profile easily even if they are unaware of your brand and unfollow your hashtags. The moment you promote a branded tweet, it is displayed on the timeline of the user who has similar interest with that of the targeted audience.

Since these promoted tweets are paid, you need to pay an amount to run the tweet on the platform. The moment you stop paying, no more advertisements will be done from this end.

4. Schedule your Tweets:

Posting a tweet on Twitter is itself a talent. You just can’t tweet content whenever you like. To ensure a majority of your audiences are live and active on social media, you can start publishing your content.

It is better to schedule your tweets ahead of time instead of struggling with it when you are running out of time. Suppose you serve globally and the time frame for your global audience is different from yours. To reach out to them on their time, it is better to schedule your posts.

Select a proper time when you want to tweet according to your audience activity on Twitter and run your tweets.

5. Build strong engagement with your followers:

Like other social media channels, Twitter is also considered a two-way communication channel. You can use this platform to connect with your audience, your customers, and gain huge brand engagement in no time.

You can share videos, GIFs, or any other creative content or tweets to generate customer engagement. Suppose a follower or a customer mentions your brand name in his tweet, make sure you respond to their tweets. Even a questionnaire session on Twitter works well in this.

The Bottom Line

Twitter, unlike Facebook and Instagram, is a place to share your thoughts in a short and concise way. You cannot add long lengthy content but you can definitely use a few words to construct your thoughts and share them with the target audience. That’s the magic of Twitter – fewer words with great meaning can meet your objective.

Finding the best digital marketing company will not help in completing your requirements. You must ensure having proper social media experts who are proficient in crafting a quality marketing strategy for different social media platforms. After all, it’s the social media that makes a business using its engaging features.

Shiva Kushwaha

Shiva Kushwaha is a lead blog writer, blogger & content marketer, he publishes and manages the contents on many blogs. Shiva writes about lifestyle, technology, travel, health and more. He has been in the marketing industry for 5 years and with a very valuable experience in this industry, He has marked his footprints as a renowned guest blogger in Delhi.

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