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Four Trends Startups Need to Know Now

New trends are emerging as young organizations are finding their bearings in the business operation, founding new startups and leading in product innovation. ? Striving towards branding that dominates the last decade is crucial if you desire a breakthrough for your startup.

There exists a need to keep up with the latest trends in startups by acquiring new and valuable skills, and keeping up to date on recent news. Over the years, innovation and inclusion in changing market conditions have given a lot of small startups competitive advantages over the larger ones. Alan Safahi, a serial entrepreneur and Fintech CEO,  reveals that you should not be ignorant of new, potentially risky, trends as the nature of work is evolving.

Four significant trends that can give your startups an edge over others: Follow closely with the tips provided below.

  • Remote Worker: In recent years there has been a change in the system of performing duties in the traditional office as it used to be. The inception of smartphones, laptops, tablets and other technological gadgets has increased worker mobility, allowing office work to be carried out anywhere, anytime. Achieved technical means, it could potentially herald a new era of businesses built around serving these remote workers There has been a change in how startup owners are setting employee schedules as well because of the digitalization of office tasks. Startups around the world are getting into the game faster by tapping into remote workers. Alan Safahi encourages startups who haven’t already pursued outsourcing some projects to at least try it, as it may end up saying costs, time, and increase creativity in your team.
  • Captivating brand name: A first step that connects an audience to your brand is the brand name. Greater attention should be given when deciding a brand name, to ensure a name that draws consumer attention, and one that has a high retention rate in their minds. . Make sure your brand name is one that resonates with the values and ideas of a customer, or one with no meaning in their native language at all, as long as it isn’t offensive or alientates them. .
  • Computing Edge: We are in a cloud computing era, where machines can offer a stable computing environment with very little to no A startup that makes use of cloud computing, by shifting their processes online, has a higher potential to revolutionize the industry they’re in.
  • Artificial Intelligence: A niche of computer science that simulates human intelligence in a machine. Have you ever thought about a machine doing exact things human intelligence can do? Imagine applying it in decision making, pattern recognition, creative usage. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a dream concept, but has offered great use cases in business and marketing as well as analytical tools, for customer service platforms, digital ads, and of course the smartphones we all have.


Never neglect social media interactions. This is one of the fundamental ways audiences personalize themselves with the product.

Alan Safahi Orinda CA

Alan Safahi is an Iranian-American entrepreneur and six-time startup founder with over 30 years’ experience in the information technology, telecommunications and financial services industries.

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