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Orthopaedic Doctors
By SARA WILSON 1,597 views

Six Basic Treatments Offered By Orthopaedic Doctors

Treating a broken bone, a muscle strain, or a twisted ankle is not a task that can be handled by many. It requires expertise and knowledge in the area to make the patient feel comfortable. Orthopaedics is the field of medicine that is dedicated to dealing with conditions and diseases that affect our musculoskeletal system including joints, nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

An orthopaedic doctor or physician is the one who is qualified to treat these conditions and diseases. They follow various treatments for this purpose. Let me tell you some of the important treatments that are preferred by orthopaedic doctors,

Pain Management

Any bodily pain can be handled by orthopaedic doctors as they have expertise in finding the cause of the pain. Mostly they will prefer basic medical prescriptions to deal with pains caused by minor injuries and fatigue. As it is the most conservative treatment method available, experts always prefer medications to cure the pain. If it does, it is fine.

If not, they will get to know about the degree of pain and make measurements accordingly. Mostly, painkillers that constitute non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are preferred for this purpose. Over-the-counter medications are also used in certain conditions to find if it is minor. Explore orthopedic suggestions on the optimal application of cold therapy and heat therapy for effective pain management. Learn more: when to use cold therapy.

Arthritis Care

Arthritis briefly is the condition in which a patient experiences inflammation in the joint. It is very painful and is due to severe degradation of the joints. There are a variety of arthritis an individual could experience and the treatment totally depends on the type.

However, all types of arthritis issues would require physical therapy to cope with the joint issues. Along with the preferred medication, it is capable of curing the problem regardless of whether it is minor. Surgeries are preferred to cure the condition when it is major.

Fracture Care

Fractures are unavoidable at times. You can never expect or control an accident. It is always a heck to deal with fractures. They can be of any type from thin, hairline cracks to broken bones. Orthopaedic doctors in this case will ease the patient with a splint or a cast.

This helps the patient to keep the bones in a fixed position in a way that they cannot move. This will speed up curing by allowing them to be repaired. Any extreme fracture always requires surgery to cure it especially when it is due to multiple bone fragments or misalignment of bone fragments. They use medical screws and pins to set the pieces of bone or secure bone fragments in place.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Treatment

Many of us feel shoulder pains in our day-to-day activities and cannot find the reason for its causation. It might be due to inflamed tendons for which orthopaedic doctors will suggest rotator cuff treatment.

However, the type of treatment preferred is always according to the severity of the rotator cuff injury. Medications using typical NSAIDs to help with the pain for minor conditions. Corticosteroid injections are preferred when the inflammation is to those with chronic conditions. Surgeries for extreme cases where the removal of any bone spurs and repair of the affected tendons will be done by the experts.

Joint Fusion

Joint fusion is one of the serious surgical procedures done by orthodontic doctors. It is also known as arthrodesis where two bones are fused together to provide permanent hold in the joint and alleviate pain. This procedure can also strengthen your joints and enable you to place more weight. The procedure is preferred by these experts for conditions that are untreated by conservative interventions.

However, it is always recommended only for extremely severe problems. Hence your orthopaedic doctor will make a severe inspection before arriving at the decision. The spine, fingers, ankles, thumbs, wrists and feet are the areas where joint fusion is recommendable.


Back pains and problems in the spine have become common these days. Orthodontic doctors practise discectomy procedures for the concern which will relieve pressure on the spine caused by specific kinds of back problems. This may be due to the formation of bone spurs or a herniated disc.

They will be removed by this procedure to ease pain and pressure. It can also be done in a different way that is more conservative and minimally invasive which is called microdiscectomy which involves visualisation through a camera that is inserted via a thin tube through a small incision in the back. It is always preferred by orthodontic doctors.


Hence the list of important treatments you can always expect from an orthopaedic speciality. You will have to sit with an orthopedic surgeon if the issue is major. Consider using ThreeBestRatedⓇ to find an orthopaedic surgeon. Please make sure the person is qualified enough and has good experience and expertise to deal with your problem with care.

Sara Wilson

I'm Sara Wilson, a writer committed to producing interesting and value-rich articles from ThreeBestRated® - A trustworthy company to find the best service in your vicinity with a tap on your mobile phone.

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