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Tech Serve
Tech Serve
By MANOJ RANA 3,252 views

Tired Of Working For Others Let’s Start Your Own Business!

You might have a perfect job, good salary & incentives. Looking great for today. But, what about future? Do you think you have enough money or resources to survive in hard days? I personally don’t think so…

I was also worried that; what should I do to earn more income?Then one day, an idea hit my mind… and to make it successful, I have to make a full proof plan.

I want to start my own IT company because I am a “tech geek” and I love working with computers. I was having enough experience to handle a team and clients. All I need is technical support for startup my company.

Luckily, I got help from one of my friends. He suggested me to contact Tech Serve(https://www.servetechie.com).

Step 1: Get Some Quotes & Start!

After having some quotes on my idea, I realize that I could go with this company for my business. They offered me a large list of services and products which were really necessary and helpful for me.

To ‘create’ and ‘run’ an IT company you are required to setup all the major components and you need your presence in the market too.

Step 2: ‘Technical’ Things You Required for Startup

There are two major ‘things’ you need to create an IT company:

i) Network
ii) Company/Brand Website

I think it will be helpful for you if I elaborate these points in detail:


Let’s face it, You need a great network setup to make everything live and to manage everything for a company. Setting up a network required so many technical aspects including internal computer setup and security of the network in your company.

Company Website/Brand:

A website is one of the most initial things for any kind of startup. The ‘Internet’ is the biggest market in the world. Everyone is looking for you online.

As per current market, there are a large number of internet users which are searching for any product or service online. So you have to make sure that you are able ‘to be found’ over the internet.

Why do you need to be online?

Here are some points which I consider in my case:

* You want to sell your services.
* You want to make more clients.
* You want to gather information about more potential customers.
and some other facts…

Step 3: Customer Support

Okay! You got some clients and start getting your return on investment. What next?

I personally want to suggest you; create a customer support system which will handle the clients and their query.

Let’s face it! even though you have a great service or product which could be perfect for any client. But, there is always a ‘tiny hole’ in every service which could possibly become a headache for any client.

Every client loves your business when your service solves their problems and your reply on their query. A better customer support would help you in a very appropriate manner.

What Next?

There are some additional experiences which I want to share personally i.e. you have to manage the money flow also. By doing that you can perfectly get your accurate ROI (Return on Investment).

You have done everything perfectly and now it’s time to make some effort to manage your teams and analyze that; how can you get the maximum profit through your resources.

At the end, just want to say that “never quit” and “never lose hope”! If you have already tried these things but didn’t succeed, no worries… just talk to the best consultancy service(https://www.servetechie.com) and try it again with 200% of efforts.

Manoj Rana

I have 7+ year Experience in Digital Marketing and Online Reputation Management. SEO is heart of internet searching as well as mine also. Every time found new opportunity to develop my knowledge and feel good when achieve this challenge.

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