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Tips How to Remove a Tree Stump
Tips How to Remove a Tree Stump Arboriculture Services
By DEEPAK 5,306 views

Tips How to Remove a Tree Stump

Is there any old tree stump in your garden that is becoming the obstacle to planning out for something new and different? Looking for tree trimming service as well as easy tips that could help you to remove the tree stump of your garden or of any other place?

Then here are few keys and tips that could help you to remove the tree stump in an easy manner and also provide you information for tree trimming tools. As they are the team of professional experts who are providing tree trimming, removal and pruning services for a long period of time to fulfill the desire of their customers and are ready to help you as well.

Dig out the stump

The first and the most basic way of removing a tree stump is by digging and pulling it from the bottom of the ground. But before this, you have to cut down the side roots and pull them from right beneath the ground after you able to pull up all roots. Then you have to dig the area surrounding the tree stump till the point you reach the bottom of the root.

After this you can pull the whole stump or cut them to pull it out, once you are done with it, it’s time to fill the place back with mud and then use it for another purpose.

Dig out the stump

Grinding the stump

Another process that you can follow according to arboriculture services that could make your work much easier as well as time-saving, is by taking help of machine rather than the human effort for removing of the tree stump. For this, you just have to adjust the position of the grinder machine and switch it on to grind the entire tree stump from the bottom of the ground.

After the process of grinding is completed now you can collect all the shovel that has being collected after grinding and meanwhile grinding is going on you have to place the grinder around the circumference of the stump such that you take care of aerial roots. Then you can fill the place with compost or soil whatever suit for your purpose.

Burning the stump

Burning the stump is an option that you can carry out in winter season or for open bonfire party as with help of few old dry roots and stems you lit a bonfire to enjoy sitting in from of fire to enjoy the party. In meanwhile the entire stump will decompose into ashes.

The ashes you can use it for fertilizer, pesticide and for cleaning agent as well mix with soil to cover the area that justifies behind after the removal of remaining part of tree stump and ashes.

Burning the stump - Arboriculture Services

Use chemical stump remover

Last but not the least among the other tree stump removing tips and could take around 4- 6 weeks of yours while removing the stump entire from the ground. In this process, you have to drill few hole all-around the bark of the stump and then apply the chemical in each hole and leave then for some time.

Remember you have to avoid children to move around that place, after 4 to 6 weeks potassium nitrate will react and soften the roots and stump of the tree that could be removed very easily. After this again fill the place with soil or fertilizer or could plant another tree instead of that.

These were the few tips provided by arboriculture services that help you to provide some easy tip for tree removal services or removal of the tree stump.


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