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Online Learning
By AZURA EVERHART 1,152 views

5 Tips for Successful Online Learning

With advancements in technology, we are currently observing a paradigm shift from physical modes of education to virtual. The recent pandemic has accelerated this shift; due to all access to the outside world being physically cut off, society moved towards virtual learning as schools, colleges, universities, and other educational services started to move their lectures and classes online.

The changes brought about by this shift are very positive as it allows students and professors to learn and teach at their own pace and time preference while saving travel costs and hours, as well as allowing individuals from all over the world to have access to education with only the requirement of a Wi-Fi connection and electronic device.

So if you find yourself amongst those who want to be a part of the online learning shift, here are some tips to help optimize your experience so you can make the most out of whichever course, skill, or degree program you are enrolled in.

Choose the right program.

The first step towards a fruitful online learning experience is enrolling in the right program. The biggest advantage of learning online is that you can choose courses or learn valuable skills that are accompanied by certification and can be used to strengthen your resume and add to your pool of knowledge. However, online learning need not only be for additional courses and skills as you can also complete your entire Undergraduate or Post-Graduate degree online.

Emporia State University is one such institute that offers Post-Graduate Level Accelerated Business Programs, which The Association accredits to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), and Technology and Education Programs that can be completed in as less as 12 months! To enroll yourself into any of the offered programs, simply log on to Emporia State University, choose the program that grabs your interest and meets your requirements the best, and click apply now and get your Master’s Degree from the comfort of your own home!

Strategize your learning

Despite popular belief, going through lectures over and over and spending hours trying to make sense of the text is not the ideal way of learning. To maximize your learning output and truly understand what you’re being taught, here are some skills to adopt:

  • Spaced Practice- Instead of leaving all your studying to the last moment, space it out in intervals that suit you best while maintaining a balance between learning new information and going over previously learned information so you can take in more knowledge without forgetting previous topics.
  • Taking Notes- Note-making has proven to be a significant game changer in the retention and understanding of information and should always be incorporated in your online lectures. The best approach, if your lecture offers the option to pause and play, is to go over the entire lecture once while paying utmost attention and NOT taking any notes, and then go over it a second time while making notes and jotting down any questions or queries that you may want to discuss later with your professor or peers.
  • Study Groups- Depending on the people in your study group, it can either be a productive learning and teaching experience or a big waste of time. So make sure you choose a group of smart peers eager to help and learn and create a study group with them to go over your questions and concerns and revise the course together in an organized manner.


Ensure no technical issues arise

A big drawback of online learning can be the unreliability of technology, such as electronic devices and Wi-Fi boxes. Still, these issues can easily be curbed by ensuring that your gadgets, Wi-Fi connection, and electricity supply are all in check. Investing in a reliable and sturdy device such as a laptop and a good pair of headphones shall help you take your lectures smoothly and store all your files and documents in one place. For your Wi-Fi connection, try purchasing a Wi-Fi Booster in case signals are weak, or even better, switch to an Ethernet cable, which is more reliable. To avoid losing any work due to power shortages, regularly back up your work on your computer or the Cloud and keep your devices charged before you start studying. Certain courses ask you to download relevant software for either turning in assignments or giving online tests, so ensure you always have all the relevant software downloaded to avoid any last-minute hiccups.

Give yourself a break.

Many studies and published journals, such as the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 22, show that taking breaks helps students and employees in their efficiency and productivity as well as the processing and retention of information. So make sure that you give yourself sufficient breaks between lectures and coursework not to overburden your mind and decrease the quality of your learning. For that reason, several apps and techniques were created, such as the Promodoro Technique, which according to a case study by Chris Winfield, helped him complete 40 hours of work in 16.7 hours. However, taking a break does not mean you start aimlessly scrolling on social media. Use your breaks for healthy activities such as taking a walk, stretching, having a healthy snack, or simply taking a 15-minute power nap. 

Manage your time

Suppose you are taking an online course or completing an online degree. In that case, chances are that you will be responsible for curating your schedule and will most likely not have a timetable or schedule provided by your professors or institution. That puts immense pressure to ensure that you are managing your time effectively. Instead of wasting your entire day and taking your lectures at 3 in the morning, you must create a well-balanced timetable for taking classes and doing coursework. To do so, here are a few things you can keep in mind:

  • Calendars are your best friend- The last thing you would want as an online student is to miss an important deadline that makes up a big percentage of your grade. To ensure this does not happen, maintain a calendar containing all important deadlines and submission dates and set reminders on your phone or laptop as an additional step. 
  • Take time out to study every day- This does not mean that you become a bookworm who does not leave your room, but you must create the habit of studying every day within yourself, even if all you study is one page of your notes. Studying even a little every day will prepare you for exam season and help divide your work so that most of your course is not left till the end. 
  • Don’t get distracted- According to researcher Jonathan Schooler, an average mind wanders 15% to 20% of the time. Imagine having distractions like your phone, gaming device, friends, or even your comfy bed. It is a no-brainer that you will lose concentration. To avoid this, keep all distractions away. Put your phone and other devices in another room, make sure you don’t have people around, and you are not studying on your bed, waiting for your professor to find you half asleep in the camera lens during an online class.


Keeping the abovementioned tips and tricks in mind, online learning can be just as fruitful and valuable as physical learning, with the added benefits of saving time, money, and resources. If you are a student who wants to divulge into online education, whether it is to complete an entire degree or a few certification courses, do not hesitate or feel intimidated to do so, as it is undoubtedly the next big thing.

Azura Everhart

Hey, I am Azura Everhart a digital marketer with more than 5+ years of experience. I specialize in leveraging online platforms and strategies to drive business growth and engagement.

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