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cloud computing
By MANJU AMARNATH 2,938 views

Conquering The Three Pillar Of Clouds

Ever since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, several businesses have adopted cloud computing as the ultimate tool to deliver computing resources through a network of remote servers. It has recently gained popularity due to its availability, accessibility, manageability, and scalability.

Businesses and enterprises could use remote data centers to store, manage and process information. This allows them to access their data and information from anywhere, anytime, hence enhancing productivity, automation, customer satisfaction, and more.

But all this was not possible without the three pillars of clouds!

So what are the three cloud pillars?

We will explain it in detail, but first, here are some reasons why every business should adopt cloud computing.

Business Benefits of Adopting Cloud

Access to the latest technology: The cloud environment allows businesses to access the latest technology and software that can be used immediately.

Cost savings: Cloud computing means you will not have to invest in expensive hardware, software, and maintenance. You simply pay a monthly fee for the number of resources you want to use.

Increased productivity: Your employees will be able to access their data from any device or location, which means they will be more productive than ever before. This is particularly useful for remote workers who need access to their files at any time of day or night.

Easy integration: It’s easier than ever before to integrate your cloud solution with other systems within your business, so you can seamlessly move between them as needed without having to worry about interoperability issues or compatibility issues between systems.

Lower cost of ownership: By using cloud computing, you can reduce your hardware costs by not having to purchase new hardware or software. The cost savings can be significant, especially if you’re managing multiple systems in different geographies or on a shared basis.

Greater flexibility: You don’t have to worry about where your data is stored. You can store it wherever it makes sense for your business model, whether that’s one location or multiple locations around the world. In addition, you don’t have to worry about reliability because there are multiple copies of your data available at all times, so if one location fails, then another will take over without any downtime.

Easier management and maintenance of IT infrastructure: With cloud computing, you have access to an entire department that can handle all aspects of IT management such as security, maintenance, and upgrades without having to hire additional staff members or spend more money on training those employees yourself.

Some of the other benefits of using cloud computing include:

  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Lower Capital Expenditures (CapEx)
  • Lower Operating Expenses (OpEx)
  • Higher Productivity and Efficiency
  • Rapid Deployment and Scale-up of IT Solutions and Services

The Three Pillars of Cloud

Security, Scalability, and Sustainability are the three pillars of the Cloud. 

The security pillar is an increasing concern for organizations as they move to cloud computing. The Cloud provides great flexibility but comes with the risk of data breaches.

The scalability pillar is similarly important as cloud computing increases in popularity. Organizations need to ensure that their applications are able to handle the increased demand for resources or even if they need to scale out or up their infrastructure.

Sustainability is another important consideration for organizations considering moving to the Cloud. Sustainability requires all aspects of your business to be considered when making decisions about your cloud strategy.

Conquering The Three Pillars Of Clouds

The term cloud computing is often used synonymously with virtualization but can also be used to describe any type of infrastructure in which resources can be rapidly provisioned and released. A cloud is a shared infrastructure that provides scalable, secure, and sustainable on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable resources (e.g., network bandwidth, storage, processing power). These services may be delivered over the Internet or a local area network (LAN) or through dedicated data circuits. Therefore it is essential that businesses understand the need for Security, Scalability, and Sustainability in the cloud.

Cloud Security 

Security is the most important pillar of cloud computing. What good is it if you’re not protecting your data and systems? It’s also one of the most demanding pillars. You need to ensure that your data is secure and that your applications are protected against attack or failure. You also need to ensure that you can scale your systems up and down as needed. And finally, you need to make sure that you can sustain your operations over time – both in terms of cost and quality of service. 

Security is paramount in any application. It is the most important pillar of cloud computing because it protects your data from being stolen or destroyed. Without security in place, you risk losing your customer’s data, and that means lost revenue. In order to protect your customers’ data, you must have a robust security solution that will keep your customers’ data secure while they are on their devices with you.

Cloud Scalability 

Scalability is another important pillar in cloud computing. You need a system that can handle large numbers of requests from customers or users without breaking under pressure. You also need a system that can grow alongside you as you grow your business – even if it means having multiple instances running on each instance type (e.g., virtual machines). 

This pillar allows you to scale up or down as needed so that you can provide the best possible service for your customers at all times. Scaling up can be done by adding additional servers and memory capacity while scaling down can be done by reducing server resources and memory capacity. By scaling up and down as needed, you allow for more flexibility in terms of how much money you can spend on servers, storage space, etc., which allows for better pricing options for your customers and lower costs for yourself as well!

Cloud Sustainability 

Sustainability is another important pillar for cloud computing systems. If you have an application deployed in the Cloud, then it needs to be able to handle unexpected spikes in traffic without breaking down under pressure from these spikes – otherwise, the application may face downtime and may even result in a lack of customer satisfaction. Cloud sustainability is also an essential component when building out a new application or upgrading an existing one into the Cloud.


Cloud computing has transformed software development and enterprise automation to an extent that it has become inevitable for business success. Now with the amalgam of modern AI services and cloud tools, businesses are enhancing operations and increasing productivity without the need for human intervention. Businesses that have adopted these innovative technologies are one step ahead of the curve and can promptly meet new customer expectations and market demands.   

Manju Amarnath

Vishnu Narayan is an industry expert and a professional writer working at ThinkPalm Technologies, a software & mobile app development services company.

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