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olivier jollin - Aerospace Engineering
By OLIVIER JOLLIN 1,989 views

6 Things that You Should Know about Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace engineering is one of the most interesting and demanding fields today. It gives wings to spacecraft and aircraft. In simple words, Aerospace engineering is all about designing, development, and manufacturing both aircraft and spacecraft. Let’s explore more about aeronautical engineering with Olivier Jollin.

A 747 Contains More Than 6 Million Parts

You may or may not know that a typical car contains around 30,000 parts, which includes the screws and bolts as well. Can you guess how many parts does an airline consist? Well, you may be surprised to know that a 746-400 passenger airliner has around six million parts. Needless to say, the demand for aerospace engineers will increase with time.

‘Aerospace Engineering’ First Introduced in the 1950s

The term “aerospace engineering” first introduced in 1958. Basically, the word “aerospace,” implies the combination of the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space. In the same year that is 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was discovered.

Aerospace Engineering Includes Numerous Elements

Needless to say, aerospace engineering is a complicated field of study that includes numerous other elements. These include astrodynamics, mathematics, fluid mechanics, control engineering, solid mechanics, software, flight text, risk and reliability, noise control, aeroacoustics and more. So, now you understand how complicated and time-consuming is building an aircraft?

Aerospace Engineers are in High Demand

If you’re looking career path that allows you to learn something exciting and challenging, you can consider becoming an aerospace engineer. According to the experts, this field not only gives a challenging position but also allow you to earn a good amount of salary.  And no doubt commercial air travel will definitely grow in upcoming years. Also, with the increased demand the need for engineers will definitely increase to design and manufacture airplanes.

Aerospace Engineers Need a Degree in Bachelor’s

Similar to other professionals, aerospace engineering also requires schooling. To become an aerospace engineer, an individual need to attain a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering. According to experts, most universities offer space-focused engineering courses as well. If you are planning to start a career in a field that gives you enough exposure, you can consider Aerospace engineering.

Avionics Engineering is Different From Aerospace Engineering

Some people think aerospace engineering and avionics engineering are the same. No doubt they share some similarities, but they are two different concepts with two different meaning. Generally, Avionics engineering refers to the electrical segment of aerospace engineering. If you still confused between two, you can explore more on the internet. As it is necessary to have complete knowledge before choosing a career path.

Final Words

These are a few facts about Aerospace Engineering shared by Olivier Jollin. Hold on! This is not the end. There is a lot more to learn and explore this field. In case, you have more queries to ask, feel free to ask us. You can write your feedback, suggestion, or query below in the comment box.

Olivier Jollin

Olivier Jollin intègre l’École supérieure d’aéronautique et de constructions mécaniques et en sort diplômé en 1987. Il commence sa carrière professionnelle comme pilote d’essai, mais il est grièvement blessé lors d’un accident et met fin à cette activité.

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