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Criminal Defense Attorney
By ROBERT PASCAL 4,329 views

Top 5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney

Who like to hire a criminal lawyer? Nobody, I guess. After all, who like to deal with any criminal issue in their lifetime? Right? Unfortunately, things happen in life and being prepared for any kind of circumstances is the best strategy to reduce your stress in a time of crisis.

Choosing a lawyer to represent you in a criminal proceeding can be scary, as you’re essentially putting your life in their hands, so if you need a lawyer in Arizona, please check Scottsdale Criminal Lawyer.

Before you decide who is going to represent you before the court, here are 5 things you must consider when hiring a criminal defense attorney:

  1. Does the lawyer specialized in criminal defense

Many criminal defense attorneys only take on small cases including drug cases and low-level assault. Therefore, it is advisable if you are dealing with a Federal criminal charge or serious State, you should hire a firm like attorney Robert Pascal whose lawyers are experienced in this area of the law. You can easily do online research for the criminal lawyer and can check the reviews of their previous clients in order to understand the reputation of the attorney you are going to hire.

  1. Track record of success

Experience is an essential thing to consider while hiring an attorney for the criminal case. Therefore, do consider these questions before hiring any lawyer –

  • How much experience your lawyer possess in practicing law?
  • How many jury trials the firm had? Unfortunately, many lawyers tag themselves as “criminal defense attorneys,” but only a few of them regularly take cases to trial.
  • How many “not guilty” judgments have the lawyer obtained?


  1. Board certified as a specialist

Is the lawyer you are planning to hire certified as a “Criminal Law Specialist” by the legal authority? In simple terms, being certified as a specialist means that the attorney has had a substantial amount of jury trials, and the lawyer has an excellent reputation with judges and prosecutors.

  1. Don’t Bargain Shop: Attorney Are not all the Same

 Unfortunately like many other things in life … for the most part, you spend for what you get in the world of private criminal defense. Defending someone’s criminal case require many hours of work, research, and investigation. If you want to achieve your right and freedom with ease, then hiring the cheapest criminal defense attorney is not the great idea. In the end, quality matters over quantity.

  1. Do you Like the Attorney you Might Hire

 A judge or jury is more likely to give relief on a case represented by a respectable lawyer than a lawyer who is not. If you like the attorney, more chances that judges and prosecutors probably respect that attorney as well. The other thing you need to consider- is the lawyer make you feel comfortable and is he empathetic to your situation? Because in most situations, the client is often embarrassed, depressed, and scared of what the future holds. Therefore, the lawyer you approach should be sensitive to those feelings and give you some sense of relief.

Final Words

The success always depends on your decisions. Whether it is about hiring an attorney or starting your own venture. If you can analyze which is the right option for you, nothing can stop you from succeeding. The truth is that nobody wants to face such a situation where they have to hire a criminal lawyer for any reason. However, it is not in our control, but choosing someone like attorney Robert Pascal who can create a win-win situation for you will make all the difference.

Robert Pascal

Robert A. Pascal is a native Floridian, born and raised in Fort Lauderdale. He has studied and practiced in the areas of: Immigration, International Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Family Law, Corporations, Business Law, Trademarks and Probate through his very own Law Offices of Attorney Robert Pascal.

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