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By BENI RESTEA 6,034 views

The Fittest City in America – Arlington VA

Welcome to a unique region in America! It proudly features its historical heritage in the healthiest environment possible! Set against an astonishing geographical background, Arlington, VA, became a beloved travelers’ destination. It targets many focus groups. History enthusiasts, tourists keen on fascinating adventures, and economic investors gather here. Most prominently, however, fitness people come here to discover the secrets of why it is one of the most wholesome regions in the United States.

Arlington on the Map

With an area of 26 square miles, Arlington in the Commonwealth of Virginia is the smallest county in the US. It has no incorporated towns on its territory in terms of state law about population density. Locals and tourists refer to it as Arlington. For this reason, there might be a slight confusion in the terminology of the place.

You can find it on the map on the bank of the Potomac River. It lies across from the District of Columbia. Once, Arlington belonged to DC under the name of Alexandria County. Many consider Arlington the second largest city in the Washington metropolitan area. Still, Virginia Law specifies it neither as an independent city nor an incorporated town. This may have triggered a duality between Arlington, VA, and Washington, DC.

Let’s Jump to Official Records

US News & World Report, a US media company, regularly updates its rankings. They report on how approximately 3,000 American counties and communities meet health standards in 84 metrics.  The following criteria establish the final hierarchy. Access to care, health behaviors, and conditions are important factors. So are mental health, health equity, educational achievements, and the economy of every region, among others. Arlington occupies 39th place in this ranking. Still, in almost every subcategory, it outranks other Virginia counties. Check out the most critical records based on the statistics published on usnews.com:

Population with no health insurance is 6.7%, while the national median is 10.6%. The smoking rate registered in Arlington is 10.1%, while the national average is 21.1%. Life expectancy in Arlington is 85.2 years, while the American median is 77.5 years.

Arlington also exceeds the average American city in Hospital Bed and Primary Care Doctor Availability. Considering Adults With No Leisure-Time Physical Activity is much lower (16.5%) than the national average (26.5%.) Serious illnesses are present, though rarer. The Arlington Cancer Incidence Rate for 100,000 people is 351.5, way below the American median result (456). Besides, Arlington stands its ground also against Heart Disease Prevalence (4.5% as opposed to the national average of 6.7%.)

Let’s compare health outcomes results! Adults in Poor Health in Arlington mount up to 11.3% instead of the 17.2% national median. Moreover, there are fewer teen births in Arlington than nationwide. The ratio in Arlington is 7.2%, while the national average is 22.5%.

The mental health condition of a community is a telling factor. It reflects the well-being and overall physical health conditions of their residents. The ratio of Adults With Frequent Mental Distress in Arlington is 9.5%, while the national average ratio is 15.1%. Another essential factor is Deaths of Despair for 100,000 residents. The American median ratio is 43.3%, and in Arlington, it is 16.8%. And finally, depression is a less common mental condition than generally in the United States.

Where Mental and Physical Health Starts

Education is paramount for the new generation to learn the basics of personal hygiene maintenance. They must not neglect how to keep their bodies in great shape. Additionally, children and adults alike must take proper actions to protect the environment.

The excellent results mirror how Arlington respected every essential national health education protocol. Quite early in their history, locals realized the power of a well-founded community’s education system. The ratio of the population with an advanced degree in Arlington is 78.8%, while the US median is 29.8%. Finally, the Arlingtonian community developed a model education infrastructure. It is laying the groundwork for future development.

Food and Nutrition

Statistics prove that Arlington showcases a remarkable record of nutritional food availability. Local food outlets are much present in a higher ratio (5.2%) than usually in America (4.3%). In other words, the community focuses on providing families with healthy food. As a result, diabetes and obesity prevalence in Arlington is much lower than nationwide.

The Environment in Arlington

Arlington’s natural surroundings received all-around good scores. The air quality is slightly worse than the national average. The ratio of air quality hazards is 0.58%, and the American standard is 0.34%. It means that there is a moderate chance of developing mild respiratory diseases during a lifetime.

Even so, residents and tourists have more access to parks and recreational amenities with fresh air. Environmental risks, such as unsafe drinking water, are zero to none.

Do you want to enjoy a healthy environment and join the fittest community in Arlington? All you have to do is contact the top real estate agents in Arlington VA, experts in healthy local ways. They will get you a first-class and affordable rental unit or real estate to buy in this beautiful area. Experience the ideal healthy environment today!

A History of Winning Streaks in Fitness

Arlington has a pretty long history of winning the title of “the fittest city.” 2015 brought the city nationwide recognition. According to the 6th Annual County Health Rankings, our dear county ranked the healthiest in Virginia. The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) handed out the title to them that year.

It was the ultimate proof the Arlingtonians created a perfect environment. They genuinely rejoice in healthy behaviors. The local community and tourists both had significant input in achieving this reward. This strong tradition hasn’t left the region ever since.

However, local officials didn’t take the more convenient backseat. They were quick to highlight that they would have to work more on public health. Dr. Varghese, a family medicine doctor, addressed fragile community issues. Such as low birth weight, excessive drinking, and teen births based on the RWJF reports.

2021, Another ‘Healthy’ Title for Arlington!

“As we continue to deal with the effects of COVID-19, it is even more important that Americans get back to the basics and return to a more physically active, nutrition-conscious, and healthy lifestyle,” said Stella Volpe, President of the American Fitness Index Advisory Board (Source: Globenewswire.) Let’s see how our city did in terms of keeping healthy?

The American College of Sports Medicine issued its annual American Fitness Index rankings in 2021. They graded America’s 100 largest cities based on their health condition. And the winner of “America’s Fittest City 2021” was Arlington! Hence, they got ahead of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Seattle, and Washington, the eternal rival.

The Financial Benefits of Being Fit

How many people search for the fittest US cities with the best healthcare daily? We bet a lot! Either they are tourists looking for the trendiest and liveliest spots to visit. Or they are searching for the ideal city to move to. Thus, the chances are that Arlington will prosper economically after getting the fittest US city title.

All these are reasons why many Americans are considering moving to Arlington, a city that features a premium healthcare service to stimulate physical activity. Consequently, they enjoy higher property values, a considerable surge in business and job market growth.


The Arlingtonians’ rankings prove that their lives, work, studying, and playing matter to health. Arlington, Virginia, continues to act as a genuine leader. It provides a healthy environment. And it makes the fittest behaviors possible for residents and travelers.

Do you believe your current location affects your health? Then, why wouldn’t you check Arlington’s healing powers out for yourself?

Beni Restea

Beni is very passionate about real estate, finance, and traveling, which is the motivating force behind the inspiring topics he writes about for RealEstateAgent.com

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