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By CAROL JONES 932 views

Teen Driving Safety Tips to Prevent Car Accidents

Are you concerned about your teenager’s safety on the road? Teen driving is dangerous, but some ways can make them stay safe.

In this article, we will share some simple and effective tips from experts at Pyramid Legal to prevent car accidents.

These tips are simple to understand but have a great impact. Without wasting time, let us start with some vital instructions for young drivers.

Make Your Teenager Wear a Seatbelt

Always make certain that your teenager has their seat belt buckled while driving because it is the simplest way of ensuring their safety. Seat Belts save lives by keeping them in place when a car crash occurs.

Let your teen get into the habit of always putting on his seatbelt when he enters any vehicle , also remind friends to follow suit. This single practice could prevent severe body injuries.

Limit Distractions

Your teen will be able to concentrate while driving if you help him/her eliminate distractions around them. Advise him/her to keep away from cell phones during travel or eating/drinking while driving.

Tell them not to play loud music and talk less with friends excessively too.

The ability of concentrating on one thing alone can help avoid accidents and keep every person out of danger. Distracted driving is accountable for many fatalities hence, all other things which may divert attention from the road should be discouraged as much as possible.

Obey Speed Limits

Speed limits must always be observed by your teenager at all times so that they don’t exceed the maximum speed allowed in various zones for vehicles.

Over speeding results in serious crashes; besides, speeding causes almost all traffic-related deaths.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly one-third of motor vehicle related deaths resulted from over speeding.

Make sure your child follows speed limits for their own good while traveling on highways.

Practice Defensive Driving

Teach your teenagers defensive driving. This will require them to be alert about other drivers as well as anticipate their potential mistakes.

In addition, they need to maintain safe distances from other vehicles, especially during poor weather conditions.

Defensive driving can help prevent accidents and keep everyone on the road safer.

Avoid Impaired Driving

Your teenager must not drink and drive because it is very important that he/she understands this; if they are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, they should never get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

NHTSA has reported that up to 30% of all traffic fatalities in 2021 involved DUIs. Your teen should know that even small amounts of alcoholic beverages or narcotics may affect their ability to safely control a car.

They should either always assign one person who refrains from drinking whenever they are together or just use any available means like taxi services.

Follow Traffic Signals

Insist with your teen on observing traffic lights no matter what happens. Running red lights or stop signs results in serious car crashes.

Red light running resulted in 928 deaths in America according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in 2020.

Encourage your teenager to wait until the green light comes up without losing patience at the junction. Stop-light compliance keeps others around us safe.

Avoid Driving at Night

Advise your teenager against night driving where possible as night driving may prove dangerous due to minimal visibility and tiredness setting in.

The National Safety Council found out that fatal crashes are three times more likely at night than during day time hours (NSC).

If your child decides otherwise and drives during such a period, remind them about constant vigilance and caution ahead of time.

Keep a Safe Distance

Train your teenager to always be at a distance from the vehicle in front of them. This ensures they can react appropriately just in case the other driver suddenly slows down.

It is generally advised that you maintain at least three seconds behind the other car. In poor weather conditions, this distance should be increased.

Maintain a safe gap with another vehicle and prevent rear end collisions.

Resist Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

Most times peer pressure results in driving under influence of alcohol and or drugs. Show your teenager how to resist when friends offer them drinks such as alcohol or drugs for instance marijuana among others in order to find out what happens if he takes it?

They should have an answer like “No, thanks! I am driving”. Role-playing these rejections will help.

Ensure that your child knows about the legal penalties for impaired driving including fines, licence suspension, and even imprisonment.

Share true stories or statistics on drunk driving so they sense its implications more deeply than before. Being open and leading by example are the two keys to helping your teen make right choices.

Avoid Driving When Tired

Make sure your teenager knows the risks associated with driving while tired. Fatigue can decrease reaction time and cause difficulty focusing on the road ahead.

Advise them to sleep enough before starting their journey especially during long trips with friends.

If drowsy while driving, they are supposed to stop somewhere safer and take a short nap or switch places if possible. By being awake and alert one can reduce chances of accidents.

Check Your Mirrors Regularly

Teach your teenager why it is necessary for them as drivers to check their mirrors frequently while on roads at all times.

This enables them to see what is happening around and identify any potential hazards whatsoever there may be along their way home.

Ask them to occasionally look into their side mirrors followed by rear view mirrors every few seconds while cruising through streets.

This practice will assist to avoid car accidents due to safer lane changes. Being aware of what’s happening around the car is key to safe driving.

Bottom Line

By following the above-mentioned tips, you will enable your teens safety when driving on roads. Simple habits like wearing a seatbelt and avoiding distractions can make a big difference. Be safe, first!

Carol Jones

Carol Jones is one of the fastest-growing lawyer in the United States. His professional focus is on criminal law, and he often assists clients in resolving their most difficult legal issues. Admiralty law, business litigation, intellectual property issues, class actions, and individual injuries are the mainstays of his work.

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