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By GANESH 2,048 views

How is Technology changing the outlook of Music?

There can not be any disagreement over the fact that the internet has altered the music industry drastically in the past couple of decades. And it has not stopped, the changing process is still continuing at a very rapid rate. Music is a great form of communication and has become easily accessible to the public. They can now listen to their favorite artists and songs whenever they feel like. With the advancing technology, new developments are surfacing for the music industry also. These advancements are not only benefiting the mainstream record labels, but also the solo artists who are self-accomplished with the pool of talent. It has also given a great platform to the independent musicians to reach a global audience without being part of a big record label. Music is a great form of communication and solo artists are a paragon in this context. Their music is filled with purity and novelty. An independent musician is an artist who is not under any contract with a record label and they are so talented that they do not require any support to grow as a name. The internet has acted as a catalyst in shaping these individual musicians as top independent artists. Technology is bolstering these novice independent artists for their creative expertise and providing them with a rich platform to pitch their voices in front of their audiences

Technology has even made composing music a thrilling process unlike traditional exhaustive methods and has given birth to a new flavor of music which the independent artists compose. Because music is now so easily accessible that these artists are can connect with their audiences anytime and know more about what they like to listen to. Music applications have become an influential space in the Indian indie landscape. Indian music is as much fertile as the soil of the nation. The Indian indie artists are becoming the voice of the nation and are mesmerizing its people by combining the rich Indian culture with a lustrous essence of music. The all-time favorite source – Radio, is also doing a great job in promoting the talent of these solo artists and making the public aware that there is a lot beyond the world of record labels. Another technology product is streaming service which helping to nurture independent big time.

The indie artists are breaking the record label stereotypes and coming up with more refreshing music than ever. Since they are not part of the industry machine, they enjoy the liberty of experimenting with new styles that the audience may like. And with the help of the internet, they are simply able to connect with their people directly and are getting a great response from them. Social media is also a powerful platform for them to display their passion and with the help of that, they are potentially increasing the viewers and followers count. They are using this platform to showcase their talent and are virtually eliminating the need for being discovered through music record labels.

Independent artists might not have a huge audience and fan following at the initial level. But seeing at the promising technology, the indie market is indeed heating up and it will not be a surprise if they start breaking the records. These non-mainstream artists are redefining Indian music across dozens of languages & styles. In the last decade, the internet has shaped these bunch of novices and made their presence felt global. With all technology, indie artists indeed have gained more recognition world-over. And today, even the audiences have a strong opinion about their tastes and are evincing interest in listening to music curated by these musicians.


The technology has tried to fill all the gaps and has become an entry point for artists while upholding the essence of solo music. The audience is more independent now than ever before as the solo voices are progressively being embodied by streaming services. Thus, we can see how the music industry and musicians are flourishing with the support of technology and the internet. Independent music is making a stand for itself and showing its worth to the entire globe. Time will soon reveal the power of independent artists.


I am Ganesh Reddy. I am an author as well as SEO Expert, I am working at PurpleSyntax Digital, it is a leading Digital Markeing Agency in Hyderabad, India. I have contributed in several blogs and websites with my powerful write-ups.

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