Improving as a runner takes dedication and hard work. Training and a long-term, regular approach will help you enhance your performance. Whether you’ve been running for a long time or just picked it up as a means to stay fit or improve your digestion, here’s how you can take your running routine to the next level.
1. Set Goals
Setting goals is important for all of your fitness goals. No matter the reason you’re running, set goals so that you can achieve them. By giving yourself multiple goals, some long-term and some short-term, you can continue to reach achievements and keep yourself motivated. A short-term goal could be to run twice a week, every week, while a long-term goal could be to run in a marathon after you’ve developed a great running routine.
2. Track Your Progress
Whether you’re running for weight loss or as part of an overall exercise routine, it’s important to track your progress. With fitness apps, you can track your distance run and calories burned. Tracking progress is essential for seeing how you’ve improved over the course of a few months.
Running is something that you get better at the longer you do it, but you can see progress pretty quickly depending on your goals. For example, if your goal is weight loss, it may take a few weeks or months to get results. However, if your goal is to feel more refreshed and awake during the day, you may feel the results after just a week of running.
3. Wear the Proper Shoes
It’s important to wear the best cushioned running shoes. Your podiatrist will tell you the benefits of wearing comfortable shoes at all times, but the right shoes are even more critical when you’re putting stress on your feet and joints during physical activity. Cushioned shoes will prevent plantar fasciitis from getting worse and keep you comfortable while on your run so that you can run for longer periods of time.
4. Plan Ahead
While you may enjoy running around your neighborhood, it’s also important to switch up your terrain from time to time. You can create new routes so that you don’t get bored with your routine. Map your route so that you can take a look at all of the places you can run and choose the best based on your mood. For example, you may feel like running on a trail in nature one day and through the city the next. By planning correctly, you can always choose the right running path to keep you going.
5. Rest and Recover
While some people can run every single day, it’s important to rest your muscles, especially after you start a new running routine. On your days off, stretch your muscles with yoga, which can help you recover while keeping you physically active. When you change your routine, your muscles have to adjust, so they may hurt. Stretching can improve your circulation for faster recovery time so that you can get back to running in no time. Remember, though, it’s essential to switch up your workout routines, so you may not want to run every single day.
6. Do Non-Running Exercise
Low or non-impact cardio like swimming and using an elliptical can also be effective for your running routine because it maintains your level of fitness without putting stress on your joints. Not only that, but they can also decrease your risk of injury when running on hard surfaces like pavement.
7. Get a Partner
The best way to stick with your routine is to get a partner that can keep you motivated. Include a friend or family member in your plans so that the two of you can run together and create a routine that’s effective for both of you. Not only can a partner give you advice for what has helped them succeed in their running journey, but they can keep you motivated while you begin a new routine.