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Tag: Yoga


Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years. It originated in India and has since spread all over the world. Yoga contributes greatly to our physical and mental health. And...


​What does aging suggest to you? How do you notice lifestyles after retirement? For some, it might bring to mind enjoying time with the grandkids, taking extended vacations, savoring fine wine, ten...


7 Chakras are the part of the subtle body called Suksham Sareer in yogic language. Chakra's literal meaning is a wheel. Basically, in our subtle body along the spine, energy converges at some specific...


Men and Yoga. Sounds like a match NOT made in heaven, right? Since the primitive age, men have been more into doing demanding jobs like hunting, carrying huge blocks of wood, cutting trees for food &a...

Yoga Meditation

“Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down.” -- Judith Lasate For all those of you who feel that Yoga is just about bending and stretching, maybe it is...


Imagine that you're running your own yoga business and your students are realizing the benefit of poses like downward dog. Your business is a success and you've built up a dedicated following. The yo...

Spirituality - Baba Ram Rahim

Spirituality (prayer, yoga, meditation) can have optimistic effects on health and wellness! Spirituality means different to each of us. It can mean partaking in soulful activities. And it can be a pe...

Yoga Meditation

In the noisy world, every individual seeking peace and wisdom. However, nothing in this world is easy to achieve, not even a peace. At this moment you need to connect with your inner self to attain pe...

Yoga Para Perros Por Pablo Rubio

La práctica del Yoga prosigue probando sus múltiples beneficios, no solo para el cuerpo físico sino más bien para nuestra psique, para aprender a respirar, aliviar la ansiedad o bien eludir ataque...