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Tag: startup


The days when businesses remain isolated are long gone. Today, every business is looking to form partnerships to grow its capabilities and reach. In the quest to deliver products faster and accelerate...

Issues, Challenges, and Expectations From The Indian Startup Ecosystem

Local businesses have been mushrooming all over India with impactful startups for the past few years. Startups in India are rocking the web with their problem-solving ideas and skilled staff. Whether...


Establishing a business in college can be the best way to make a living and pay for your through school if you are on the right path or inspired by other great entrepreneurs who met their co-founders ...

market trends

Imagine you are living without technology, how would you have managed? It is possible to manage the current world without technology. But nowadays technology has changed a lot in Technology has brough...


A business going through a growth phase is difficult to control. Things can quickly turn haywire, leaving the business owners quite overwhelmed. It may also have them working overtime, squeezing each ...


On the verge of breaking the market! right? you know, you have a brilliant idea and to transform the same idea into a start-up is the dream of your life. While you embark on this adventure ride of you...


Do you have a good idea to create your own company or company? Are you concerned that your ideas may go wrong or make unwanted decisions? Do you have much concern about how things will come out? Havin...

app development

The 9 to 5 lifestyle is slowly, but surely, dying out in the modern working world. Flexitime, work from home schemes and full remote work opportunities are becoming increasingly popular. This is becau...


The hardworking team is a key to prosperous business startup. While finance is tight and reliability is yet to establish, a wrong recruitment can set the business back for months. But not to worry! If...

new business

We live in the world where everybody is in a race to compete with one another in jobs, businesses, sports and all. If we talk about an office going an employee who spends around 8 to 10 hours for earn...