The Current Landscape of Digital World
A report published in Jan 2021 revealed that 56% of the total population now uses social media, with an average usage time of 2 hours and 25 mins. Social media ...
The food delivery industry is getting a big reformation as per the customer preferences periodically. After the arrival of food delivery applications like UberEats, the restaurant owners’ independen...
We all want to relax and have fun on weekends but fewer efforts do we put into making the most of our free time. If you spend your weekend lazing around, know that it’s a terrible idea to do so. You...
Video blogging may seem like a thing for the young and vibrant millennial generation but it is actually something that even older adults can try. Vlogging can help you earn money as you enjoy your tim...
The journey to become an entrepreneur is easy, but building a brand is what take a real effort. Today, an online identity is necessary to build a successful brand in a competitive environment. And thi...
For more than 30 years, you work diligently to set yourself up financially for your golden years — the glow of retirement is finally becoming apparent. Alas, it’s not the time to ease up.