Sequestro Shedir Pharma

Wellness Tips To Stay Healthy As You Can Be

People nowadays have been a little more concerned about their health as they want to follow a healthy lifestyle and…

3 years ago

Daily Essential Vitamins We Need

It is now winter and we need to alter diets including out vitamins intake to suit the season. As we…

3 years ago

Repeated Seizures and Its Types

According to the findings of Shedir Pharma seizure is the kind of electrical and uncontrolled disturbance that mainly happens in…

4 years ago

Analysis of Oral care Market

The oral cavity is an important pathway to the body. Oral hygiene involves keeping the mouth clean and disease-free. It…

5 years ago

Symptoms of Neurologic Disorder that you should know About

To know about the symptoms of Neurologic disorder, we ask a specialist Umberto Di Maio (President at Shedir Pharma Group)…

5 years ago

Shedir pharma’s List of Food to boost Immune System

A good immune system is key to staying well and healthy as it helps fight diseases, bacteria, pathogens, and other…

5 years ago

How can you Travel during International Coronavirus Outbreak?

The rise of COVID-19 has taken a new shape than it is a few weeks ago. With cases across the…

5 years ago