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Tag: realestate

Malaysian Real Estate

Inflation comes with difficulty. It affects every sector. The Malaysian real estate industry has seen the effects of inflation. The price of properties has depreciated, buyers are scarce, and sellers...


Whether you are a resale homeowner looking to dive into newly constructed homes, or a first-time homebuyer, purchasing a property is a huge investment and one that needs to be done appropriately. The...

anthony wardan- new home

Buying a home can be frustrating sometimes it can be harsh work for first-timers. One should be 100% contributed and equipped with the information. It is the dream for many working men/woman to buy th...

Anthony Wardan - Money

Most people find it very hard to save enough money to buy a house. However, with a good effort and a solid saving plan, anyone can be able to save enough money for a down payment on the home they wish...


New technologies have been introduced to the construction industry over the last ten years. Everything from virtual reality to augmented reality has been used to inspect construction sites and train ...