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Tag: exercise

Pilates Exercises

In recent years, Pilates has become one of the most popular types of physical activity, improving one’s physical and mental condition. Pilates has numerous benefits for a sportsman, as strength, fle...

Emotional Eating

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with emotional eating. Everytime I felt anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or bored, I turned to food for comfort. Without realizing, I started eating my wa...

things of Fitness

Are you looking for the perfect fitness program to give you the best results? Well, if you are looking for such a program, then you are at the right place. Fitness programs are those that will help y...


A moving process is always challenging. It consists of several tasks such as packing, loading, and unloading. The moving task becomes much challenging if you have to move to a faraway location. But, ...


There are huge benefits of routine exercise after rehabilitation, After leaving drug and alcohol rehab, you probably want to take it easy. You've just spent weeks or months working hard on yourself an...


Are you a runner looking for ways to stay healthy? Whether you’ve just started pounding the pavement as a new hobby or fitness regime, or whether you’re an established pro athlete, these tips will...


Although the COVID-19 pandemic has shattered our former sense of normalcy, our days spent in isolation have emphasized the value of self-care and the importance of preserving our physical health. Even...

Achieve a chiseled six-pack With Joseph Minetto

Everyone wants a chiseled core. The kind that stands out when they take off their shirt while retaining stability and strength at all times. And if you are unable to build your abs, don’t assume itâ...

magnesium supplements

Coronavirus has changed our lives in the past couple of weeks. With most people working from home and gyms being closed, fitness has become mandatory even if limited. Not only for your actual physical...

Exercise tips

For someone without a regular exercise routine, starting on the path toward living a healthy life through adding exercise can be difficult and, initially, seem insurmountable. While most doctors may r...