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Tag: entertainment

Eric Goldie

Eric Goldie Media Industry is full of entertainment and excitements. People who associated with media industry are more susceptible to rumors and speculation. The latest news which is in the air abou...

Cello - Nina Kotova

Music soothes our senses and gives a feeling of relaxation. If we talk about a cello, then no one can resist her or himself from getting indulged in the music originating from the fine strings. If you...

Star of Media and Entertainment Industry

Media and Entertainment Industry Eric Goldie has started his career in entertainment and media industry six years back. Glamorous and Exciting world of fashion has inspired Eric to make his contribut...

Nina Kotova

Modern lifestyle made us a machine which not only works for hours, but also its negative effects can be seen on our health, physically, psychologically, and socially. Humans are meant to be cherished ...

White Haven Beach

When it comes to take a break from your Job & business, we hesitate to plan a long vacation. It’s really good to take rest from your hectic schedule and spend quality time with your family and f...

Travel Hacks

Today’s lifestyle has stressful working hours, anxiety of future, meeting deadlines in short time and getting everything in one spell. No matter Modern technologies, fast communication modes have ma...