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your rental property
By LUPKA BELMEZOVA 2,843 views

The Perfect Marketing Strategy for Your Rental Property

How to Improve Your Rental Property Listings and Fill More Units This Year

The demand for rental properties has been growing significantly. The most effective way of attracting customers to your commercial real estate and gaining recognition is by creating a full-proof marketing strategy. Although the applicants are all over the market trying to find properties to stay in, the success of your investment depends on your ability to advertise it correctly. 

Publishing a great listing on popular platforms is a guarantee of earning benefits and filling units. However, many rental property owners publish advertisements on these sites, how can you make sure that the spotlight shines on your residence? You will find the answer by getting through the structure of a successful marketing plan. 

Create an Inviting Listing

From the headline to the images, your listing should involve an accurate representation of your rental property highlighting its best features. Potential tenants will be going through the properties listed on their preferred platform in a rush. The best way to gain attention is to create a title that will catch their eye by including the most important keywords.

The headline should not be too long, but it must include the information that will make the seeker wish to review it. Try to contain crucial information, such as the pricing, the number of rooms or bedrooms, and the defining features in a short headline. 

The second part of your listing that the tenants will surely pay attention to is the pictures. Try to include as many photographs as you can. Get your property manager to arrange the items on your property to make it seem more appealing. Pay attention to the lighting and use a quality camera. Remember that the details make a big difference to the big picture, literally and figuratively. 

Finally, your listing must include a thorough description of your property. Write about every defining feature of your rental property in detail and use the keywords. Don’t leave any of the important aspects out. 

Upload the Listings on Popular Platforms

The importance of choosing the right platforms to publish your listings can not be overstated. You need to choose the most visited websites and social media platforms of your region to advertise your rental property. 


Remember that only using one or two websites to gain popularity is not enough. Choose the platforms carefully and try to multichannel your listings. A platform may be popular but not every user might be comfortable with it. The more websites you choose to collaborate with the higher your chance of getting recognized. 

Make sure that the platform you choose allows you to get bookings swiftly and with ease. Websites like BookingWithEase give users the great comfort of booking in a matter of minutes. Moreover, all of the key details can appear on the front page of your advertisement.

Social Media

These past few years have given people big reasons to use social media frequently. During the lockdown, everyone turned to these platforms to communicate with each other and review the most exciting events. 

Businesses have used this turn of events to their advantage. Instagram and Tik Tok allow you to publish the key highlights of your property fashionably. You can use the trends for your own benefit and gain the attention of young adults. Traveling has become even more exciting this year since a lot of the people using social media didn’t have the opportunity to leave their hometowns for nearly three years. 

By using social platforms, you can publish majestic posts to appeal to the younger generation with the addition of lovely videos with suitable musical backgrounds. If you have trouble navigating through social media, your property manager can do the hard work for you. It will be worthwhile.  

Rent Prices

The pandemic didn’t only bring the thrill of using social media, it also caused a lot of economic problems in the majority of countries. Therefore, you need to make sure that the pricing for your property is just right.

Make sure that the location of your property, the condition, and the design fit the price. You can make a profit in these times by owning a rental, but by overpricing it, you might lose a big sum of potential guests. Therefore, make sure to analyze the market before setting the rent. 

Focus on the Reviews

Reviews are very important for clients. Tenants don’t want to stay at a place where the guests before them had a bad experience. Make sure to give your guests a great time by attending to their needs, greeting them with a clean and well-maintained property, and being polite. 

By giving your guests a satisfactory experience, you will be able to spread the word about the rental property. Moreover, you can ask them to write reviews on the platform where they found your rental as they leave. 

When your rental property receives good reviews for the services, maintenance, conditions, and other features, the demand will surely grow. Accordingly, the value of your real estate will rise up. 


The importance of marketing shouldn’t be underestimated, you need to remember that the listing you create is very important to the success of your business. You must choose the right platforms to display your property with its best features and offer your customers perfect service. By completing these few steps, you will have a guarantee of filled units!

Lupka Belmezova

Lupk is an Outreach Specialis at Goodjuju. Before joining the team she had various jobs. She worked as a content writer, a business manager, an SEO Executive.

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