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Stay Sober
By JOE MAILLET 915 views

How to Stay Sober During a Quarantine When you have Nothing else to Do

When you’re trying your best to have a better life, you will face several challenges. There’s always a temptation to get back to where you used to be. It’s true if you used to have vices, and you’re trying to get rid of them.

The worst part is since this pandemic started, you have had to stay home. There’s no choice due to the lockdown measures implemented by the government. At first, it was an excellent idea. You finally got time to rest. After a while, you started running out of things to do. When you don’t know what else can make you productive, you turn to vices. Being in isolation also makes you think about terrible thoughts. The only way you believe is useful in making you forget these things is by heading back to where you started. If you used to be an alcoholic, the temptation to drink again is always around. You worked so hard to stop drinking, and now isn’t the time to let go of those efforts. These tips are useful in helping you stay sober despite what’s happening.

Learn a new skill

You started your quarantine life by doing some of the things you used to love, but after a while, you no longer feel like doing these things. You already got bored. Try learning something new. It could be a language you might feel interested in. You can also learn a new hobby. If you’re not into video games, it might be time to give them a try. You have all the time to learn these things, and nothing should stop you from doing so.

Call a friend

If you already feel tempted and you can barely hold it together, you should call someone. You need a person telling you to stop what you’re doing. Find a friend who can be upfront about it or has a way of saying these words nicely. Try whatever works for you. If you have a sponsor, you can call that person too. It shows your willingness to stop drinking. Some sponsors are willing to drop everything for you. Be grateful if there’s someone whom you can call right away.

Try mindfulness activities

The reason why you feel tempted to drink again is that you’re bored. You also hear terrible news all the time. You might have to consider letting it go and focus on yourself. Mindfulness activities help a lot. They allow you to silence the noise around you and be happy with what you have. You won’t necessarily feel great, but you can at least calm yourself down. You forget whatever terrible thoughts you have. You can also do the mindfulness activity in your shower room while bathing. As long as it’s a quiet place where no one can disturb you, it’s good enough. Using a shower cabin works. You can purchase one online if you still don’t have one.

With these techniques, you can resist the urge to drink and continue being sober.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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