We understand how much effort it takes to hire employees. After all, to run a smooth business, you need a workforce who is capable enough to bring output every single time. Unfortunately, sometimes, recruiter fail to hire a good employee and in the end company fire those bad employees. Now the question is why companies hire a bad employee when in the end they will fire them. It takes a lot of time, cost, and effort in hiring, so what could be the reason for hiring bad employees? Let’s find out the reasons with Stanislav Komsky.
Can you change someone’s attitude towards you? No, right? Skills represent knowledge. but attitude represents work ethics. Many times the recruiter gives more attention to skills and ignores the attitude of the candidate. They don’t understand that it is easy to develop skills in the individual, but you cannot put enthusiasm, a solid work ethic, and great interpersonal skills in an individual. And because these traits are absent in a few employees, it becomes a reason to fire them. After all, smart companies hire for attitude. That is why they give more importance to attitude then academic record.
Is it good for an organization to hire family members in the same department? According to experts, the answer would be – No. You know why? Well, the reasons are many and of the common reason is – family members in the same department increase the chances of interpersonal conflicts. Furthermore, if it is a business, a majority of family members’ may end up exercising more effective power than the owner. Therefore, smart companies set the frame up an appropriate policy, like “no family members in the same department.”
Everything that glitter is not gold! A wise man once said, never ignore your gut feelings. And it is applicable at the professional front as well. Sometimes a hiring manager ignores his gut feelings or intuition while recruiting and often take the wrong decision. Some candidates possess patience, talent, and innovative skills, while some don’t. And their appearance speaks about them. Unfortunately, the recruiter ignores these signs and go for the qualitative knowledge. However, Smart companies go for the intangible qualities of their employees and figure out with a small test to see if a candidate has those qualities or not.
Recruiting process is not a piece of cake! Therefore, it is important to take a good chance and consider all the aspects before hiring anyone. If a candidate possesses the skills of a leader like Stanislav Komsky, qualification doesn’t matter. In the end, they are going to represent you in the corporate world. Every company does mistakes in hiring but smart companies learn from the mistakes and always grab the good employees.
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