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Spirituality - Baba Ram Rahim
By ADA BENTON 3,468 views

Spirituality Can Make You Healthier and Live Longer

Spirituality (prayer, yoga, meditation) can have optimistic effects on health and wellness!

Spirituality means different to each of us. It can mean partaking in soulful activities. And it can be a personal practice you value, like yoga, meditation, an awakening of chakras or taking walks in nature. In fact, it involves some way of introspecting at your aim in life.

Many conventional cultures thought that our spirit and physical health were critically linked. However, modern Western medicine these days has a tendency to treat the body only. And substantiation is growing that religious beliefs and practices can actually have a significant influence on health.

Can spirituality help people heal in routine? According to some research, people who are more spiritual as Baba Ram Rahim, tend to experience benefits in their overall health and well-being. He describes spirituality as a belief in the higher power that someone is in control. People call him God, Master, Allah. Waheguru, Ram. However, despite the definition or specific method of practice (such as prayer meditation, yoga), spirituality has some major health benefits. According to Baba Ram Rahim Ji spirituality and prayer are extremely favorable for mental health as well as physical health. Along with this, being spiritual might add numerous years to your life.


Baba Ram Rahim Ji suggests his devotees that spirituality is the form of mindful indulging in your activities to reduce stress and tension. And meditation has revealed optimistic results when it comes to reducing stress in both unwell and fit patients. Hence, if you are feeling quite overwhelmed or stressed, then visit Dera Sacha Sauda ashram once. A single visit to the ashram is enough to calm your mind and be focused.

Many people at ashram have experienced spontaneous healing through prayer or other spiritual practice there. Also, the people who frequently partake in various spiritual activities have a significantly lower mortality rate if compared to people who do not.

Getting involved in a religious community as of Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh provides great social support. This can lower the risk for stress or sadness, whether the “community” is meditation, class, or even online groups. Baba Ji’s volunteers concerned in a group or religious community offers social support that can decrease the risk of depression.

Along with this, meditating, praying or even walk in nature help boost your immune system function. When you pray or meditate regularly, your fight response goes off and the rest-and-repair system turns on. This lets the immune system to charge your whole body and is amazingly healing, whether you are under stress.

Wrapping Up

Hope that this useful information motivates you to rediscover a long-forgotten religious path, helps strengthen your commitment. Remember spirituality is a personal experience, and the individual’s religious path might be different. Hence, it is advisable to spend a couple of days at Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s Dera Sacha Sauda Ashram in prayer, yoga or meditation. In doing so, you may find yourself capable of facing each and every problem in life. And it would be as good for your physical health as it is for your mental health.

Ada Benton

Hi, I'm Ada Benton, working as an online marketing consultant in a award winning marketing firm.

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