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social media marketing
By HARRY SMITH 2,450 views

Why Social Media Should Be Integral Part Of Your Marketing

As of 2021, 91.9% of marketers used social media in their digital marketing efforts. If you’re wondering why so many marketers and salespeople are taking this route, we can sum it up for you in one word: scope.

Social media does more than just drive sales for your business. It’s the perfect tool for brand awareness because of the sheer number of people who use social media networks daily. Until last year, the total number of social media users was 4.2 billion—more than half the world’s population!

Keep reading if you’re one of the few businesses not taking advantage of The NetMen’s Corp’s graphic design services for social media marketing.

People Buy Known Brands

People buy from a brand that they already know. Take Kourtney Kardashian’s collaboration with AlkaGlam, for instance. No one even knew her lifestyle brand Poosh was collaborating with this startup until she tweeted the now infamous post about your skin deserving minerals, not chemicals. She may or may not have known that minerals are, in fact, chemicals.

While the post didn’t make much sense, it went viral within seconds. The result: visibility for AlkaGlam. Now that people have engaged with the brand on social media, they’ll see more posts about it, and the more they see, the more they’ll want to buy their products.

You don’t need negative publicity to draw attention to your brand, not when you have the art of graphic design on your side.

Aligns Your Values with an Active Audience

Considering how many people inhabit social media, your target audience is bound to be on the networks somewhere. Prior research is the secret to reaching them effectively. Through social listening, you can track customer feedback, recent trends, brand mentions, and whatnot, respond to the overarching needs of your target customers, and align with their interests.

Sometimes you don’t even have to go out of your way to gauge interest on social media. Take COVID-19, for instance. It affected everyone, even you, in some way, shape, or form. As a result, you could’ve already discerned how the audience might have needed your products and services. The only thing left to do then was to research industry trends and align your values with potential customers, one post at a time.

Sometimes you don’t even have to go out of your way to gauge interest on social media. Take COVID-19, for instance. It affected everyone, even you, in some way, shape, or form. As a result, you could’ve already discerned how the audience might have needed your products and services. The only thing left to do then was to research industry trends and align your values with potential customers, one post at a time.

Provides You with a Way to Tell Your Story

Another reason you need social media on your side is that it helps you get your brand story out there. Think about the greatest stories of all time—they all have one thing in common: a compelling narrative.

Your story can be short and simple or long and extensive, but what it must never be is boring. Generally, shorter brand stories are harder to get right than longer ones because they only have a few words to stir your audience into action.


The Starbucks Puppuccino is the perfect example of great storytelling. All the brand had to do was whip out a cup of whipped cream for pets and let the customers do the rest. It helped their brand identity, turning them into a pet-friendly coffee franchise. You can also tell a story through graphic designs and images and define or redefine your brand’s public image.

Improves Brand Loyalty

According to a 2020 survey, 90% of people say they prefer buying from brands they’re familiar with on social media marketing. Your target audience is automatically loyal to you over the competition because they know you.

They’ve engaged with your platform intimately, so they’re likely to buy from you, too. However, it would help if you also gave them a reason to stick around. This is where you need customer service comes into play. You could:

They’ve engaged with your platform intimately, so they’re likely to buy from you, too. However, it would help if you also gave them a reason to stick around. This is where you need customer service comes into play. You could:

  • Offer promotions and discounts on social media.
  • Get customer feedback through target Q&As. (Open-ended questions help!)
  • Give away branded swag, such as magnets, t-shirts, lanyards, etc.

A User Checking Their Instagram Insights for Interactions, Visits, Clicks, etc.

See The NetMen Corp for All-in-One Design Services

If you’re looking to boost engagement on social media through graphic design, you might want to prioritize experience over new talent. The professional graphic designers at The NetMen Corp boast a collective 20-year experience in the digital design industry.

Harness their talent for your next social media post design, digital illustration, Amazon listing, print ad, or any other graphic or web design service.

Get in touch for a quote on your required white-label design services in Miami.

About the Author

Jake Sullivan worked as a middle school coach for five years before calling it quits for artistic pursuits. He found his calling in the graphic design two years ago and has yet to look back. His jobs/hobbies/rituals include designing social media posts, watching Minor League Baseball, and sleeping after a good book.

Harry Smith

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