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Miracles Happen When Sightseeing in Waterloo
By WILLIAM SIMON 2,316 views

Miracles Happen When Sightseeing in Waterloo

What is a miracle to you?

Are the meteoroids colliding with Earth? Or is it finding a perfect dress for a date night when you had an empty pocket?

It turns out that for me it is becoming aware of your surroundings and be able to take the entire experience in. Entering the city of waterloo while riding on a waterloo limo made my airport departure easier than expected, while my family waited for me at the doorstep I came home with lots of gifs to bear, along with my friends.

As the ride passed on every street and corner, it reminded me of childhood days, how my brother and I used to make every possible excuse and plan to meet up with our friends. The only good thing about having a twin is that you share every experience with them, either good or bad.

At the Red Light…

When limo stopped at the King Street South, I recalled that the time when Jacob and I dressed as ghouls, on Halloween, went for trick and treating…yes those were the fun days. Coming back from university for holidays, I decided to visit every place that I had, with my twin – Jacob, of course and recalling all those miraculous moments.

Jumping at the Perfect City to Live in…Waterloo

In Times, the city of Waterloo was mentioned among the top ten cities to live in a country, no doubt the notable attractions here have always blessed the hearts of natives and tourists alike. Taking my friends this time with me was the actual reason why I came home for holidays. Seeing as they were interested in exploring and sightseeing I wanted them to take a grand tour at my home town. As promised, my twin had planned out the day for us perfectly.

A Second Home in my heart

As kids, we used to have our common playground, the RIM Park, a city park with both indoor and outdoor facilities. Just at the edge of the Grand River, it was a perfect day to start the touring. We opted for a beach volleyball game at mid-noon and later enjoying our bologna sandwiches.

“It feels like a home away from home, with the right degree of activities, the fun, and the sun!”

My friend, Stella, commented. And I couldn’t agree any less. We had so many things to carry with us, but as great as my brother is he had already thought this through by getting us a waterloo limo and packed our things in the dump and let us roll the dice. It was pretty funny seeing him all responsible and caring. Another reason for getting here was the Benchwarmer sports bar! I always loved the idea of experiencing the largest recreation center accompanying rinks, courts, sports fields, and the parks. The outdoor amenities are just perfect to take a benefit from.

Art is one of the Miracles Too

I’m becoming a little philosophical, aren’t I? Well, it’s hardly a surprise to include an art museum in the list of things to do in waterloo. Why? It’s a crime not to visit the fantastical art platforms! (That’s what it told my friends).

“What is so unique about a gallery? It’s practically boring; everywhere it’s the same,”

Another of my friends, Marius, didn’t seem too thrilled from the prospect of observing some unique art. He was a sports guy, so I really couldn’t blame him for not being interested.

But when he entered the goodness of the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, he was astounded by the ceramic, enamel, glass and stained glass exhibits proudly placed at their stations. More than 900 pieces of art have the honors of being placed her. There are no traditional bearings of a painting or sculptures but the glass! Yeah, that’s pretty elusive.

 The Grand River Raceway? Yes, Please!

Okay Marius, this one is for you my friend.”

 After the willful and jaw-dropping experience of Gallery, I had one ace in my pocket packed as the last resort to surprise my friends.

There’s so much to see and learn in Waterloo city, making it hard which part to skip and what not to skip but Elmira seemed a perfect choice, for the perfect gaming destination i.e. Grand River Raceway! Yes, that sounds, right a horse racing taking you back to the Roman times, is a live horse race, with the grandstands.

 It’s Not the End by Any Means

Our short time in the home city was successful because of the waterloo limo service making our day! (and my bother of course).  Exploring and sightseeing are ALWAYS ongoing!

It’s a matter of vouching for every hometown! Love Yours!

William Simon

I am William. I hail from Toronto, Canada. I am a travel enthusiast with an avid likeness towards expressing my travel experiences. I am an entrepreneur as a professional who'd like for people to benefit from my experiences and grow manifolds.

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