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Selling Plants Online
By MARY JONES 2,544 views

6 Tips and Techniques For Selling Plants Online with Ease

You are probably one of the many avid gardeners who love tending to your own herb or flower garden. You might even have considered selling some of your homegrown plants online to expand your earnings potential. After all, a new study by the National Council of VENDORS and the Garden Media and Public Relations Society found that more than 43 million Americans spend an average of $36 on plants online every year. So why not take advantage of this lucrative opportunity to sell plants online? The ideal solution is to start your own e-business, which will give you the autonomy to sell directly to customers and keep a fair share of their sales price. However, if you are not ready for such a commitment yet, with some simple tips and tricks you can easily sell some plants from your home and still make a profit.

Know Your Growers

Before you start selling plants, you need to know where they came from. While this may seem like a no-brainer, it is often overlooked by sellers who are not aware that some plants are banned from sale in certain areas. Farmers in Australia, for example, are prohibited from selling certain types of plants, including wattles, certain types of Callistemon (bottlebrush), and certain species of Xanthorrhoea (Grass Trees). Although there are no restrictions on the sale of plants in the United States, knowing the source of your plants is especially important if you are planning for selling plants online. In addition, some plants are more fragile than others, and they may not be suitable for online sales. Some examples of plants that are difficult to ship include orchids, cacti, desert plants, ferns, and palms.

Plant Care Tips for Selling Plants Online

Before you start selling plants online, make sure to plant them in proper pots and provide them with the necessary nutrients and watering schedule for healthy growth. You can even add some organic fertilizers to boost their growth. The containers you use for your plants should be large enough to accommodate the growing stages of your plants. The size and shape of containers will also depend on the type of plants grown. When it comes to watering, you have to be very careful so that your plants will not be drowned. You can use a soil moisture meter to gauge the water content in your containers. If you are growing a plant indoors, you will have to make sure that you have a schedule for the right amount of sunlight and temperature your plants need.

Sell your Leaves and Stems

If you are growing herbs, you can sell their leaves and stems. You can easily buy some pots, add some soil and then place the herbs in them. Then, sell your herbs in bags or even as loose herbs at your local market. You can also put your herbs in decorative packaging and include them as gifts in your online store. If you are growing flowers, you can sell both the flowers and the stems. Some flowers, like lilies, produce only one stem, so you can either sell the flower or use the stem to make a floral arrangement. Flowers that produce more than one stem are great for selling both the flower and the stem. You can also put the flowers in decorative packagings, such as decorative flower pots or vases, and include them as gifts in your online store.

Dried Flower Selling Tips

If you are growing flowers, you can always use a dehydrator to dry them. If you are growing herbs, you can use a microwave oven or a convection oven to dry them. Once they are dried, you can sell them in bags or even include them in decorative packaging as gifts in your online store. If you are growing flowers, you can sell them in decorative packaging or in decorative flower pots and vases. You can even put the dried flowers in decorative bowls or on decorative plates.

Flower Selling Ideas

If you are growing flowers, you can sell flower bouquets or flower arrangements. You can also sell flower seeds for people who want to grow the flowers themselves. If you are growing herbs, you can sell them in bags or as loose herbs. You can also sell herbal tea and herbal products, such as soaps, shampoos, and lotions.

Vending Machine Option

You can also sell your plants from a vending machine. Your vending machine can be placed in public parks or even in malls. You can also put it in your backyard or in your front yard for easy access. One advantage of using a vending machine is that you can sell your plants 24/7. You can even be selling plants online using a vending machine. You can also put decorative pots and vases inside the vending machine to make them look more attractive.


With a bit of planning and preparation, you can easily sell your homegrown plants online. You have to make sure that your plants are healthy and have a fair price. You have to also make the packaging attractive. You can also sell dried flowers, seeds, or even the stems or leaves of the plants. A vending machine can also be an option to sell your plants. All in all, there are plenty of ways to sell your plants online, and it can be a great and profitable way to earn some extra cash.

Mary Jones

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