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SDA Housing

SDA Housing Providers & Policies – Stay Updated

Staying up to date with changes in SDA housing providers and policies can feel challenging. However, there are plenty of places to get information. Once you know where to look, you know where you stand.

The purpose of this post is to help you navigate through some of these complexities. After reading it, you will be in a better place to understand how changes might affect you and how to react to them.

Use The NDIS Website

Your first port of call for keeping up-to-date with changes in SDA housing providers and policies should be the official NDIS website. It provides ample information on the scheme and basic documents detailing any changes to the rules.

For example, you can visit the website to view the most recent edition of the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Rules, a document the agency puts out every time it makes a change. Here, you’ll find information on the dwellings that can enroll with the NDIA, the SDA rules for design categories, building types, and so on.

The website also provides information on SDA pricing arrangements and price limits. These let you and your provider discover how much funding you are entitled to through the scheme.

The details on the NDIS website don’t change often. However, the agency will change them periodically if there are changes in the law. You can find the date of the most recent update at the bottom of the page.

Read Up On The NDIS Commission

The NDIS Commission is an agency that campaigns for NDIS participants to pay fair prices for the products and services they need. It is a helpful source of information for anyone participating in the scheme and receiving Special Disability Accommodation (SDA).

For example, you can use the organization’s provider register to learn if your care agency is on the list. You can also get information about how the NDIS Commission can help you. For example, you can use the organization to make a complaint or learn more about the latest safety and quality services. You can also do things like require NDIS providers to manage incidents related to you or report neglect and abuse.

If you aren’t sure about provider or worker obligations, the NDIS Commission lists these in full. Browsing these tells you the level of service supports and carers should be providing.

Join Stakeholder Groups

Stakeholder groups are independent providers who publish information about changes to SDA policies and procedures. Keeping up to date with these can help you learn more about your rights (and whether they are in jeopardy).

Talk To Your Provider

You can also keep up to date with changes in SDA housing policies via your provide. Agencies should tell you if any new rules are coming down the pike.

For example, agencies can advise you more about the SDA housing design requirements, ensuring your accommodation meets national standards. Having an understanding of these ensures that funding goes to suitable projects.

Agencies can also provide you with information about NDIS SDA pricing arrangements. Summaries of prices that apply for this accommodation type help you learn more about your entitlements and how funding is used.

Agencies are responsible for maintaining your tenancy agreement and managing the property. Top providers support you through SDA provisions and provide you with access to suitable accommodation that meets your human rights and needs.

As you settle in, the best agencies will help you learn more about your property and work with you to provide supported independent living (SIL) services in line with your care plan.

At the same time, they will tell you about your responsibilities. For example, you may need to:

  • Make regular SDA rental payments
  • Take action to ensure that SDA funding remains part of your NDIS plan
  • Discuss how you will avoid incurring property damage
  • Prove that you will only use SDA for residential purposes

Most providers can provide detailed information about your participation in SDA, including the “reasonable rent contribution” you have to pay in some circumstances. The amount you pay is usually means-tested. More specific information should be available from your provider.

You can also talk to your provider about changes to your SDA agreement. Usually, you can talk to your provider directly about the changes you require and bring advocates with you, such as your NDIS Support Coordinator. If you decide to proceed with any changes, you will need to sign and date relevant documents.

Finally, you can talk to your provider about property repairs and alterations. Providers will then take funding from your NDIS allocation to pay for the work, doing it directly or hiring a third party.

Keep Up To Date With The News

Finally, you might want to set up a news feed that alerts you every time a story mentions specific keywords, like “SDA” or “NDIS.” This system keeps you up-to-date with the latest news and helps you stay abreast of the legal situation.

The NDIS and government want to make care provision as stable and reliable as possible. However, rules will occasionally change, which is why these feeds can be helpful.

You may also be able to get up-to-date information via social media groups. NDIS participants are often part of online communities that share information about breaking stories, changes in policies, and SDA provider responsibilities. These help you learn more about your rights and keep track of everything that’s happening.


Following these tips should help you stay up-to-date with changes in SDA housing providers and policies. Be sure to check your agency’s website for news and modifications. Most organizations will update these regularly to ensure they keep you in the loop.

Also, keep an eye on the broader picture. While agencies must follow the rules, they sometimes fall behind changes announced centrally. Hence, using the NDIS SDA pages and NDIS Commission websites can provide a valuable source of information.

Soteria Independent Living

Soteria Independent Living offers quality homes for those with disabilities or serious health conditions in Australia. For more details, call us - 1300835514.

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