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renovate your home
By HARRY SMITH 3,125 views

A Simple Guide to Renovate Your Home in 6 Steps

Wishing for the best of everything to renovate their home is everyone’s right—but not everyone can manage completely transform their home. However, switching things and upgrading them for expensive things is not the only way to give your home a new look. In this piece, we’ll explain how you can renovate your home in 6 simple and easy steps, including ditching your shower curtain for aluminum sliding doors for maximum ROI.

Begin With The Front Door

First impressions are important, and your front door makes or breaks it as it’s the first thing that a guest sees. The front door serves as a teaser of what a visitor can expect from the rest of your home.

This is why you must begin to renovate your home by choosing a front door that’s chic and makes a statement. Whether you choose to repaint your current door a shade of beige or mint green or install an aluminum French door—the options are endless, and you can decorate your entranceway however you like.

Repaint Your Walls In Pastel Hues

Avoid jarring transitions that’d make the eye skip from place to place, and ensure that there’s a smooth flow from wall to wall. You can make this happen if you choose a pastel color for your walls, such as robin egg blue, lilac, beige, or off-white. Pastel shades give you a huge canvas to work on, and you can choose artwork to spruce up your walls.

A beige sofa with blue throw pillows placed against a wall

Reupholster Your Sofas

We understand that buying a new sofa might put a dent in your pocket, but that isn’t the only option. These days, there are several options available for reupholstering your sofa, and they’re economical. Choose a fabric that you like and get it stitched to snugly fit your sofas. We bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the transition.

Move around your armchairs to add a cozy touch to your space. This will give your living room a  completely new look.

Aluminum Windows Are Worth The Hype

Install aluminum windows in your house and hop on the trend. The best thing about these windows is that they can be customized according to your space and look absolutely stunning.

If you replace your old wooden kitchen windows with aluminum ones, you’ll notice the effect it has on the overall aesthetic of the kitchen, as well as your mood. No one wants a dreary, dark kitchen—and these windows will make sure that they let more sunlight in and brighten up your space. To filter the light, you can also drape blinds over the aluminum windows.

Aluminum windows are durable. Even after a decade they rem, ain intact and efficient. The aluminum frame is more resistant compared to other frames, which makes aluminum windows less likely to warp or rot early. Aluminum also has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them harder to dent.

While also being durable, aluminum windows are easy to maintain. Clean the glass and frame every 2-4 months will keep the window efficient and looking shiny.

Create a Memory Wall

Take some time out and sit down to look through all the framed photos you’ve collected over the years. Find a photo that shows the bond that you share with your family and get it framed so you can hang it on the wall.

Surf the internet or visit local art galleries for chic pieces of art that you can place on your walls. Pair them up with the framed photos and completely renovate your home living space.  If you want to be trendy, get a customized neon sign made and drill it on your wall to breathe new life into your home.

a scented candle and a glass jar with flowers placed on a wooden stool

The wall lets you explore your creativity. This is a blank canvas on which one can experiment. Keep adding and removing photos and paintings. Here you can experiment with different colors. You can do a lot with having a memory wall.

Rugs and Centerpieces Will Work Wonders

Choose a rug that’s the perfect size for your living room. Your chairs and sofas and chaise lounge should be able to fit on the rug to make the space look picture-perfect.

Console tables and other centerpieces are also gaining popularity these days. You can scour through several amazing options at your local interior designing stores to choose pieces that’d complement the space that you put them in.

Other Tips and Tricks to Rejuvenate your Home

  • Buy a couple of resin decor items and put them on your bedside table or coffee table to make the space artsy and chic.
  • Add scented candles and light them up to create the perfect dreamy ambiance.
  • Use a combination of large planters and small potted plants to add life to your space.

While making these small changes will improve your home’s appeal, installing aluminum doors and windows will improve its resale value.

About The Author

Chris D. is an expert door manufacturer and has been working for Oridow; a company that exports windows and doors to the Caribbean and the States. He provides design solutions for his clients and customizes doors for them

Harry Smith

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