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By MARIA CAMBIASO 6,208 views

Psychological Steps Involved in Problem Solving

Problem-solving is a psychological process that comprises discovering, scrutinizing and resolving problems. The purpose of solving a problem is to overcome difficulties and find the solution that best resolves the concerns.

Furthermore, problem-solving is not only about finding the solution but it’s all about finding the exact solution. In this article, Maria Cambiaso has given psychological tips for solving a problem. However, psychological steps do not refer to solving the mental issues. In fact, the process here is about solving every kind of problems in life.

The method of solving a problem depends on different situation. There are a lot of steps involved in the problem-solving process. The steps you find here are in consecutive order and solving an issue needs following them one after another.

Here is the step by step psychological problem-solving procedure:

1. Identify the Problem:

This is very first step while solving a problem. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. Sometimes, individuals find the wrong source of the problem which makes it difficult to solve the problem.

2. Define/Comprehend the Problem:

Once you identify a source of the problem, it is crucial to understand it and define it says Maria Cambiaso. In order to define a problem, you should consider different perspectives. A better understanding of a problem help in finding the best possible solution.

3. Form a Tactic:

After defining the problem, next, you have to do is to form a strategy. The different situation needs formulating different tactics. Moreover, the strategy also depends on folks distinctive preferences.

4. Organizing Information:

Another important step in the problem-solving process is organizing information. Individuals have to consider what they know about the problem, what they do not know. The more information you have the more accurate solution you can find.


5. Allotting resources:

In reality, no one has a lot of money, time and resources to solve a problem. Therefore, before start solving a problem determine how high priority of it is suggested, Maria Cambiaso.

If it is really a thing of big concern, then it worth allotting efficient resources to solve it. Furthermore, if it’s not that much important problem means spending huge time and money for planning do not worth it.

6. Observing the Progress:

A good problem solver always monitor their progress while working towards a solution. Consequently, you should document your progress when finding a solution.

This will help you know whether you are on the right track or not. If your strategy is not making any progress, then you must reevaluate approach or create new tactic.

7. Evaluate the Results:

After getting the solution, it is important to evaluate the result to determine whether it is the best solution. Maria Cambiaso says that this evaluation is immediate like checking the result of the math problem to make sure it is correct.

Bottom Lines

Maria Cambiaso has given these psychological problem-solving steps to help individuals in resolving their difficulties. The professional is a competent psychologist with an extensive experience in this field.

Maria Cambiaso

Maria Cambiaso is utilizing her skills as Psychologist who is graduated from the Northeastern University. She is a young and dynamic personality of Panama City

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