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Protein Essential
By AZURA EVERHART 1,935 views

Is Protein Essential For Muscle Health?

You might need protein for various functions in your body to build muscle mass, gain strength, and smooth muscle function, as well as your metabolic system. Performing day-to-day tasks as well as exercise. Newer studies have shown that protein deficiency can even cause several chronic diseases, weakness, increased metabolic rate, and loss of stamina.

Hence, having enough protein in your diet is crucial to maintaining excellent muscle health and leading to a disease-free body. Additionally, you can also consider adding raw protein powder if you need help to complete your protein intake from your diet.

Why Is Protein Essential?

Protein is essential to build your muscles, the present recommended dietary allowance is 0.8g of protein per/kg body weight. Endurance athletes should consume 1.2-2 grams of protein/kg of body weight regularly. Although protein is a buzzword in bodybuilding and overall wellness. However, it is essential to take.

Impact Of Age On Your Protein Intake

Age is a reason to maintain your protein intake. Older adults aged 65-70 should eat more protein and 1g/kg of their body weight, as they do not absorb quite as much and are more susceptible to loss of muscle mass and bone fractures.

Physical Activity Needs More Protein

If you are an athlete, you may need more protein to support your training and physical activity.

If you are physically active, take 1.2-2 grams of protein/kg of body weight or 0.5-0.9g/pound of your body weight, whether you are a strength or endurance athlete.

Whether you are consuming protein in high or low amounts of these advised amounts, it should be based on your workout intensity or calorie restriction. Being an athlete, you should take 0.25-0.3 grams of protein/kg of your body weight and no more than 120 minutes post-workout to increase your muscle gains.

How Does Your Protein Intake Influence Muscle Health?

Protein is important for building muscle as it makes your muscles tissues. Consuming enough amounts of protein can help you maintain muscle and promote muscle repair and growth post-resistance training. You can optimize your muscle growth with resistance training combined with proper protein intake. The quality and quantity of the protein you consume influence the muscle tissues your body creates. Factors like age, health, and gut bacteria can also influence how you can utilize the protein you consume.

What Happens When You Consume Too Less Protein?

If you are not consuming sufficient protein, your body may be at risk of several health risks. The associated muscle mass loss can result in low physical strength, mobility issues, and poor balance in older adults. You may also notice that your appetite is not managed properly, which results in weight gain and more body fat.

The first sign that you may look at is not eating enough protein, which can worsen the condition of skin, nails, and hair. Other signs include injuries and wounds taking longer to heal, frequent infections and colds, muscle weakness, swelling of your legs, feet, and hands, and anemia. You can also face fatigue and changes in your body posture and composition.

How Much Quantity of Protein Is Too Much For You?

You can absorb and utilize a specific amount of protein at any time. And more than required converts into fat and excess calories. So, if you consume more than you require, you cannot utilize it, and either it goes to waste through urine or converts into fat if you eat too many calories.

In a study, it was noted that overeating protein can pose some risks, such as:

  • Dysfunction of kidneys
  • Increased chances of osteoporosis
  • Malfunctioning of kidney
  • Unwanted weight gain

A recent study also found that a diet high in protein was classified as 1.07-1.60g of protein/kg of body weight. Also, high-protein meals did not raise kidney or bone health conditions. In addition, if you are eating too much protein for weight and activity levels, you can experience the:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration

How Can You Sustain And Build Muscle Mass?

If you are seeking to build and sustain muscle mass, include the following steps:

  • Have 20-40g of protein in each meal
  • Add resistance training to your daily workout
  • Give even breaks to your protein meal throughout the day
  • Consume high-quality proteins like soy, eggs, and dairy products

Sources Of Protein-Rich Foods For Your Muscle Health

Animal products, including milk, meats, and eggs, provide your body with high amounts of protein with all essential amino acids. If you are vegetarian, you can opt for nuts and seeds, dairy products, pulses, lentils, and soya products.

Being a vegetarian, you may tend to have some missing part of the protein, so it is essential to intake a wide variety of food sources and make smart choices by combining grains with seeds. You can also include plant-based protein powder, which is available for vegetarians.


In the end, protein is essential to enhance your muscle health. Making sure you get sufficient protein in your regular diet is crucial. Everyone’s health and nutritional needs are significantly or little different. Hence, talking to a doctor or a dietician is essential before altering your diet significantly. You should also choose the best raw whey protein to get the proper nutrients.

Azura Everhart

Hey, I am Azura Everhart a digital marketer with more than 5+ years of experience. I specialize in leveraging online platforms and strategies to drive business growth and engagement.

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