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Jazz Piano
By SUJAIN THOMAS 2,051 views

How to progress in jazz piano … while walking in the street?

As you know, jazz piano is not like classical: you have to be stable at the rhythm level. No slowdown or acceleration. Some say that you have to have the rhythm in your skin. But how to gradually become rhythmically regular and keep the tempo? How to progress rhythmically in jazz piano? Simply by starting with … going for a walk!

You have read well, it is going to walk that you will progress. I must first warn you that you will need a minimum of courage. Why? You are going to do something curious for the other pips.

The technique is simple: you have to walk to the rhythm of the jazz music you listen to.

Here’s how to progress rhythmically in jazz piano:

  1. Preferably choose a jazz standard that you like (played on the piano or any other instrument), better, as you work right now.
  2. Make sure that you can walk at this tempo (no jazz piece too fast otherwise it’s not marathon, nor too slow because it’s the ballad (in both senses of the word) may fall asleep … I do not ask you not to do the jazz marathon nor the piano snail.
  3. Put the MP3 of the jazz standard on your phone or select it on your streaming application
  4. Choose a place without many walkers, where you can walk without being too embarrassed by other people
  5. Dress according to the weather … and go! Walk to the rhythm of the music!

Easy to walk at the same tempo as a piece of jazz? Not that much, you’ll see.

You will most likely hesitate in the beginning of the song to succeed to well stall you. Do not be afraid of ridicule, get started! Stay focused, and you’ll see, it’s coming. There is of course in any jazz standard some “jumps”. It’s up to you to adapt and step aside, take a step back … and you’re off again🙂

What is the benefit of walking to the rhythm of jazz music?

  • First of all, you will work your jazz piano pieces “physically” and thus progress rhythmically in jazz piano. It’s not just your hands or your brain that will hold them back, but its all body voting. This will enhance your memory of songs, whether you play alone or together.
  • When you play these songs in concert or with friends, your whole body will participate. You will transmit the living side of the jazz piano … and you will not look more tense or stiff like a broom.
  • Finally, it prepares you for an essential step if you have not yet passed: jazz accentuation.

And you, what is your main obstacle to progress rhythmically in jazz piano? Do you still have any problem in playing jazz piano?  Visit here for some good jazz piano lessons.

Sujain Thomas

Sujain Thomas is a data IT professional who works closely with DBA experts to provide her clients with fantastic solutions to their data problems. If you need data IT solutions, she is the person for the job.

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