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Foamex Hoarding
By JOE MAILLET 2,738 views

Things to keep in mind before Printing a Hoarding Board

Hoarding boards are almost the most common sight around the world that is unmissable. These boards need to be durable enough to survive the test of time and weather conditions. It should be flexible and easy to fabricate, along with being fire-resistant. Printing companies ensure that they deliver a high quality printed hoarding panel that captures the true essence of the message that the brands wish to convey.

Hoarding panels are often used for advertisements; some of these boards are a source of great creativity that awes the onlooker. The famous brand rivalry of Burger King and Mc Donald’s seem to have harnessed the full potential of advertising on hoarding boards. These boards attract a lot of customers if used correctly and creatively like BBC’s Dracula that used simple lightning effects and resulted in creating a great impression and well-executed wow moment.

Hoarding panels are also used at the construction sites and building sites. Construction site hoardings hold the information about the selling construction spaces and act as a temporary wall to shelter the construction site from the eyes of the onlooker. One is often confused with the difference between construction hoarding and development hoardings when in reality they are very different- construction hoardings are placed on the construction sites, the development hoardings are placed at a distance from the site.

While the topmost priority when designing a hoarding panel should be creativity and innovation, there are certain other aspects that one should not overlook.

Important aspects to consider before printing and setting a hoarding board

The rules and regulations of outdoor advertising:

Every region and every country has its own rules and regulations surrounding hoardings and outdoor advertising. These rules are placed to ensure that the health of the public is not compromised during and after the construction is over, according to the Health and Safety Act 1974. Not only do the foamex hoarding panels need to be placed according to the law, but the contents should also comply with the construction regulations 2007.

As specified by these regulations, construction sites should put up construction hoarding panels to protect the public from the risks induced. One needs to have approval for the hoarding panels before it is sent for printing and is finalised. So you must check with the local authorities and take their permission before sending the hoarding printing designs to the printing companies. These hoarding boards are kind of an investment that involves some amount of expenditure. It would be best if you made it a topmost priority to confirm with the authorities and legislature before taking any further step.

The content:

Hoarding panels are the best place to advertise and promote. They offer abundant space for broadcasting the company’s message to the public. However, one needs to keep in mind that the message that needs to be conveyed is crisp and clear for the onlookers and public. Not only that, using the space with creativity enhances the impression that it is going to have on the onlookers. Often eye-catching, creative hoarding boards are more effective in drawing the attention of the public than regular ones.

Always make sure that the content of the hoarding is captivating and exciting enough to make a mark on its audience.

The colour

Graphics play a significant role when printing hoarding panels. Vivid, vibrant, and vivacious colours often grab the attention of the onlookers more than that of vague and dull-looking colours. Always make sure that the hoarding panels should have the ideal graphics to that of the intent of the company. Some companies wish to camouflage into the environment surrounding to create a barrier between the eyes of the public. At the same time, some want to generate suspense and buzz among the onlookers.

Colours can make or break the deal to a greater extent. Nothing is worse than placing a vibrant coloured hoarding panel in the construction site that aims to conceal itself and a dull-coloured hoarding panel in an area that wants to stir the excitement. In short, one needs to be very careful when deciding the graphics and colour that go on a hoarding board and try not to mix-match.

The intent:

Hoarding panels are applicable for the advertisement of companies other than the construction and buildings. Like mentioned above, outdoor advertisement is the perfect space for marketing your business. Make optimum use of that. These hoarding boards also reach out to a greater audience than the television and social media in the physical world. Your intent should be clearly expressed and understandable for the common masses.

Before you set off to print a hoarding board, you need to make sure you very well understand the requirements of each commercial space. Construction site hoardings are different than that of another commercial foamex hoarding.

Last but not least, every printing company does not deliver a high quality printed hoarding board. Before finalising on a printing company, make sure you check their sample work. Printing companies make sure you receive the best hoarding printing possible. By delivering a weather-resistant, quality printing on assured quality material, the team of professional experts ensures that your brand needs and the message is delivered in the best way possible.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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