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Google penguin
By KAREN ANTHONY 1,645 views

How to prevent Penguin 2.0

The Google Penguin Updates was the reason for so many website owners’ worries as it became the reason for penalizing so many websites across the web. Penguin 2.0 updates were to get rid of spammy websites across the web. Penguin 2.0 immediately penalized the websites that contains so many external spammy links with the anchor text match. For example, if your website is about “web services” then your keyword would be “web services”. So, if Google found so many links of your website under the text “web services” which is called anchor text then Google will think that your website is spammy because these kinds of links are considered to be unnatural link profiles.

If you are thinking How to prevent penguin 2.0 then you should immediately remove the anchor text generated links combining to your website. If you don’t recognize the place or if you can’t remove the links somehow then you should check to disavow tool in Google Webmaster Tools. This tool will help you in all your link removals. Once your links are totally removed then you can file a reconsideration request for your website if your website has been penalized by these updates.

As we all know that The Google Penguin Updates was very harmful to those who have their websites to the top results by generating unnatural links. So many websites were penalized and so many websites lost their rankings. I am sharing with you best possible tips and prevention steps related to penguin 2 and if your website has been penalized then you should start following these tips because it may help you in recovering the rankings of your website or it might be helpful to remove The Google Penguin Updates restrictions for your website.

  1. This is not the first time when Google updates were launched. Before The Google Penguin Updates, Google algorithm updates were launched. Google expects high-quality content, natural linking strategy (both inbound and outbound), and an organic, natural link flow that will continuously but slowly increase in number month by month and this is what Google thinks to be good for rankings. If your website was penalized by Panda or Penguin updates, you should immediately make the necessary changes in your website and in your link building ways to get rid of penalization.
  2. The most important thing for your website is to be sure about your task. You should not always experiment with your website rankings. Many different link building ways can be harmful to your website rankings. If your website contains unnatural link building and spammy or keyword-stuffed onsite content then your website could invite the trouble and that could be the reason for Google Penalization.
  3. You should do everything but never overdo. Usually, people overdo in choosing keywords for their website. So many different or irrelevant keywords are considered to be keyword stuffing that is harmful to your website tracking in Google search engine. Google seeks for good content or a good website. Maintaining your website and being sure about your needs is the best way to prevent penguin 2.0 updates.
  4. Shady link building practices on your website is likely the main cause if you were hit by Penguin 2.0. In this case, you would need to identify what kinds of links are harmful to your website and then you should attempt to remove all of them or at least some of them.
  5. If you are going to identify what kind of links might be of could be harmful to your website then you can search for website harmful link removal services. There are so many websites who are providing this service. Alternatively, you can check out Open Site Explorer or Majestic SEO Tools that will help you to get the best results and stable rankings.
  6. Google Webmaster tools also allow you to perform or find unnecessary or unnatural harmful links and you can avail it for free.
  7. Before removing the external link profiles, you should check all pages on your website and should do some necessary changes (if needed). You should work on high-quality content and your website should provide good content to the reader. Your website could have some anchor text and use internal linking.
  8. You should set your relevant targeting goals and then you can start moving forward. All unnatural links and content should be removed immediately.

And for the future content creation, you should follow these steps:

  1. Always use the natural language to represent your thought or work. Explain correctly and describe what you exactly mean.
  2. Use natural anchor text and it is not necessary. You should do it only when the anchor text is required.
  • Try to provide high-quality informative content which will be the best source of good content creation.
  1. Your website is for humans and search engines are just a method of providing the right content. You should never forget this and you should write your content according to human priorities and not search engine priorities.
  2. Stay away from spammy SEO practices which would be the worst thing for your best content.
Karen Anthony

Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.

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