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Poor Digestion can cause Weight Gain
By SARA LUGO 3,394 views

How does Poor Digestion can cause Weight Gain?

Weight gain at any stage of life is a kind of nightmare. No one wants to look fat and fluffy, as this is not only concerned with looks but also your overall health. With time, our food habits and routines become so disturbed that we stop paying attention to what we are putting in the stomach and practicing to improve digestion.

Poor digestion can be the cause of weight gain. When we have lame lifestyles, including poor eating habits, becoming couch potatoes, and no workouts it makes our digestive process suffer.

Digestive problems lead to both weight gain and loss, but today we discuss how poor digestion causes weight gain. Digestive disorders make you feel stressed, fatigued, hormonal imbalance, heartburn, constipation, and many other problems that make you overeat and feel lazy too.

The good news is that if you make a few simple changes in your lifestyle and consult the physician for supervision, you can overcome the situation with time.

A product like digestit colon cleanse available in the stores, is herbal, safe, and helps in weight loss. But it’s always better to consult the doctor before buying any product to know its proper dosage and effects.

Now let’s see how poor digestion is related to weight gain:

1. Most common constipation

Constipation is a common problem and can lead to other issues like bloating, irregular and painful stool etc. if not treated properly. It signifies that digestion is not proper and your body is unable to get rid of waste. This problem makes you feel hefty and sluggish (mostly physically inactive). Poor digestion weakens the capability of your body to regulate blood sugar, absorb nutrient and store fat.

2. Food intolerance

Food intolerance directly affects, the digestive system, the food is difficult to break down and absorb by the body, causing bloating and other problems. This situation sometimes makes you eat food unwisely without thinking much. Especially, when you advised avoiding some foodstuff, you often get confused about, what to eat and whatnot which makes you eat unhealthy, which further contributes to weight gain.

3. Painful acid reflux

One of the common issues of poor digestion is acid reflux, it is a condition when you feel a burning sensation, rising in the chest after having food. This reflux occurs when the stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. When you are going through this condition, you are urged to put some foody stuff, in your stomach which calms the painful sensation. This causes overeating and if practiced regularly contributes to weight gain.

All the above issues arise from the imperfect digestion of food by the body. There are other issues like bad breath, irritable bowel syndromes, and weight fluctuation caused due to digestive disorders.

Other than market products, you can introduce a high-fiber nutritious diet to your chart. Also, say bye to stress. Hope the above-given information makes you understand the importance of the right digestion.

Good luck!

Sara Lugo

Sara Lugo is a rabid health and fitness aficionado. She is a fitness enthusiast and sports lover who believes in healthy living. Her inspiration lies in all those things that are healthy and natural. She loves to share her knowledge about health.

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