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By JASONWALTER 1,583 views

Play is Not a four Letter Word

One of the most consistent activities in a child’s life, especially in the infant stage of life. A child always looks for a way to play at every chance they get and as many times as they can during the day. Many parents see play as a waste of their child’s time and would rather see their children spend this time on other activities; however, play may be more significant and essential than parents think. Play may instill valuable skills and teachings in children’s minds, and what a child learns can remain with them for life.

Significance of play:

While it may sound ridiculous, the effects of play go a long way to creating an adult with valuable life skills. Some of the essential benefits of play include:

Stimulates creativity:

In the modern world, creativity seems to be more relevant daily. When a child plays, thanks to the absence of adult interference, the children have to find ways to overcome any challenge they encounter, and this kind of creative nature usually translates into their adult life and is very useful in navigating the rigors of adulthood. They also learn how to act independently and to think for themselves, which are necessary traits to be productive members of society.

A cherished childhood:

Memories are a significant part of a person’s psyche. Therapeutic reports of some of the most dangerous minds have shown that most of these individuals were not exposed to events like play during their childhood. Playing fills a childhood with cherished memories, and this can help build a productive society member.

Develop social skills:

Children usually play in groups with other children of similar age groups. This creates a robust socializing ability in the children, as they have no problem socializing when they grow old. An inability to socialize can lead to undesirable situations like depression, which can prove fatal, especially since an event could have avoided it as mundane and generic as play. An inability to socialize can also lead to creating a depraved mind.

Learning still occurs:

Play-based learning is one of the most progressive forms of education and learning. In play-based learning, children learn through active participation in activities (active learning), and since there are no confines of a classroom or pressure to participate, the children tend to participate willingly, as opposed to the traditional setting where a child can be isolated and detached from the rest of the class. In addition to the educational benefits that are gained, there is also another valuable skill, like teamwork, which is highly valued in the workplace today, and there is also the ability to take the initiative, another rare and highly valued commodity in the labor market playground equipment.

Thanks to these factors, it is clear that there is more to the art of play than meets the eye. Parents and teachers are advised to incorporate play into their children’s schedules to help ensure that these children turn out to be productive members of society.


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