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move abroad
By JOE MAILLET 3,798 views

Places to visit in Dubai

Conventional things abroad

To move abroad is a decision which is not easy to take at all. First, when you go to another country and start making your home comfortable, you do not have enough time to miss something from your country. You are excited; everything is new: a new property, new routes, new people, new surroundings. However, time passes, and you start to miss your country, your friends, and even food. Dubai will not let you miss anything. Remember that this megapolis is one of the most tolerant to immigrants, and everyone can find what they need there. Even Arab apartments will soon become your house which you can proudly call your home.

Shops and supermarkets

The largest shopping center in Dubai and one of the largest in the world is Dubai Mall. There are many malls in the city, but this one – located next to the main attraction of Burj Khalifa – the tallest building in the world has become the brand and symbol of the city. There is everything for shopping here- shoes, clothing, gastronomy, household goods and much more. Remember it like a mantra: the main shopping in the city is here!

One of the essential points for gourmet couch potatoes is the local “Azbuka Vkusa” – a chain called Waitrose. Here you can find the highest quality products – ready-made cookery, organic food and delicacies such as one of the finest French oyster varieties – Gillardeau. Pork is also sold here – a product that Muslims ban. Waitrose has the most extensive assortment of pork products – sausages, Parma ham, tenderloins, ribs, sausages, and even soup bouillon cubes that you will not find in every store. You need to look for these products in the section with the sign “For non-Muslims” – it is mandatory not to offend those who do not eat this product.

Moreover, in some stores, you can find products from your country. Such stores are very relevant for ex-pats, as sometimes nostalgia for the homeland wakes up. Since such products in Dubai are an imported curiosity, the most uncomplicated and most inexpensive of them, such as dumplings and pickles, are easy to find, but the prices will not be the most humane.

Remember that this megapolis is one of the most tolerant to immigrants, and everyone can find what they need there. Even arab apartments will soon become your house which you can proudly call your home.

Seafood markets

Seafood lovers will love the small upmarket Market & Platters store located in Dubai Marina. Here you will find a large assortment of fresh fish, oysters, crabs, and other seafood, as well as vegetables, fruits, cheeses, terrines, and other goods of excellent quality.

Low-cost shops

For those who wish to save money on food, there is a Geant hypermarket – an analog of our “Ashan” or “Spar”. The majority of visitors are migrants – Indians, Filipinos, and Pakistanis. The quality of the products is acceptable here, but do not expect any delights.

Nightlife in Dubai

It is difficult to imagine a cheerful night out in a strict Muslim country. Until recently, it was in the country of the United Arab Emirates after sunset for tourists-lovers of night parties had nowhere to go. However, the situation has recently begun to change, although it is difficult to call these changes dynamic so far. Arab traditions and the way of oriental life are not the most favorable conditions for the development of such a sector of the tourism industry as discos. Lately, nightclubs in the UAE are starting to become normal.

In case, tourists should be aware that they are not going to Ibiza and not even to Turkey: in the Emirates, in Dubai, there are no streets so familiar to Western European resorts, where discos alternate with bars and restaurants open until the very morning. Moreover, in the UAE, the sale of alcohol is still very strict: as before, strong alcoholic drinks can be purchased only in hotel bars.

Today, nightclubs in the UAE can be considered nightclubs with some degree of the convention: they work at best until three o’clock in the morning, and some close even earlier. The clubs also treat the age of visitors with severity: persons under the age of 21 are not allowed to enter the entertainment establishments. The age limit is even stricter in some places – only visitors over 25 can enter the disco. Thus, when going to hang out, do not forget to take your passport.

Moreover, some nightclubs in the UAE have several gender-specific rules. For example, some establishments may include membership cardholders, women, and couples. Lonely men who want to get inside the institution have no choice but to watch over a group of girls heading to the club and walk with them. This technique even gave birth to a particular term – “girlfriend for five minutes” (five-minute girlfriend). Some establishments offer an alternative solution: a special admission price is set for single men (of course, much higher than the standard one).

The doors of other clubs are open only for mixed groups; that is, the girls’ company will also have to look out for strangers at the entrance to get inside. And in all discos in the UAE, pre-registration is practiced. Therefore, by calling the club in advance, you can at the same time clarify all questions regarding the rules of entry, prices, and dress code. Regarding the form of clothing, you can always adhere to the so-called smart-casual style: jeans, a polo shirt (with a collar), and shoes (in no way sneakers!).

Unwanted places

It may seem surprising and illogical, but in this strict country, you can easily find clubs belonging to the unofficial category of “pick-up clubs”, where girls (most often Eastern Europeans or Asians) are waiting for visitors, providing services of a specific nature. Of course, the scale of this industry in the UAE is not at all the same as in the Netherlands, for example, or in Thailand: local legislation provides for severe penalties for this kind of “entertainment”. So it is up to you to look into these establishments or not.

AX Capital will help you buy property in Dubai

As you can see from our article, Dubai can quickly become your home. This city makes everyone falls in love with it. It will not let you miss anything, and it will keep you in its net of comfort, luxurious life, an endless feast of life. If you still have not found your property in Dubai, visit AX Capital website, and you will be surprised by varieties of property-for-sale offers.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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