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Pilates Exercises
By DIVISHA SHARMA 1,073 views

Advantages Of Pilates Exercises – Science Behind It

In recent years, Pilates has become one of the most popular types of physical activity, improving one’s physical and mental condition. Pilates has numerous benefits for a sportsman, as strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination are critical for any sports activity. So, for health enthusiasts, Pilates has benefits that have been researched and proven. This article will examine the various advantages of Pilates exercises and explain why they work.

Whether it’s the first time that you’re planning to try Pilates or if you want to enhance your workout prowess further, you can discover how Pilates can effectively enhance your quality of life.

Advantages of Pilates Exercises

Improves Core Strength and Stability

One of the most distinct advantages of Pilates exercises is developing the power of exceedingly crucial muscles surrounding the belly button. Pilates has been designed principally to exercise the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, hips, and pelvic region. Some of these include the four muscles of the chin, the two muscles of the lower lip, the sticking-out muscles, and those found at the back of the neck and shoulders. These muscles are vital as they form what is referred to as the body’s powerhouse.

The Science:

The Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy produced a study that showed that Pilates exercises were far superior to conventional strength training in increasing abdominal muscle thickness and core strength. Besides decreasing the probability of getting injured, this also increases one’s stability and coordination, which is especially effective for the elderly and athletes.

Increases Flexibility

The advantages of Pilates exercises are that they give muscles a rigid, pumped-up look instead of elongating them, thus increasing flexibility. This leads to freedom of movement and abounding flexibility of the joints.

The Science:

A study reported in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation reveal that Pilate’s training under a certified Pilates instructor stretched the Hamstrings and lower back muscles after short weeks of exercise. Pilates is not vigorous in its exercising but releasing of tense muscles which, in turn, will produce a more proper coordination of the muscles in movement.

Enhances Postural Alignment

Nowadays, people spend much of their time in a sitting position that has adverse effects, such as backache. Pilates exercises are, therefore, unique in that they are meant to align the spine and correct postural abnormalities, which relieves pressure on the rest of the body.

The Science:

Research carried out in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies reveal that Pilates exercise-based rehabilitation programs are useful in increasing posture and decreasing lower back pain. The exercises include only smooth, coordinated movements, which imply the activation of deep postural muscles and automatically create a proper attitude to the spine. In the long run, posture improvement and pain eradication is gained as advantages of Pilates exercises.

Promotes Mind-Body Connection

Pilates is not limited to exercise and body control; it majors in the quality of its movements, which include concentration, breathing, and attention. Every motion has a purpose, which helps the client develop a keen understanding of body movements.

The Science:

The Journal of Physical Therapy Science also conducted a study showing that Pilates enhances proprioception. It enables a person to identify inappropriate body movements and change them. This integration of mind and body not only enhances physical fitness but also helps to decrease stress levels and even leads to clear the mind. During a Pilates exercise with a certified Pilates instructor who most individuals get the feeling of meditation.

Boosts Mental Health

Besides having physical returns, advantages of Pilates exercises are found to enhance mental health. This form of exercise can lower symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress when practiced unconditionally and frequently.

The Science:

Pilates, according to a study conducted in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, was proved to have reduced the levels of anxiety and or depression in the participants. Due to the Pilates’ principles of rhythmic and intentional breathing and smooth and precise movements, the cortisol levels are reduced, and the relaxation response is elicited. Again, if it is stress from the daily life issues or coming from a history of mental disorders, therapeutic advantages of Pilates exercises can be seen.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Physical therapists and sports trainers heavily use this form of exercise to prevent injuries and in rehabilitation cases. Pilates promotes the development of balance, coordination, and strength. So, it forms a strong muscular foundation for the body to cope with various stresses.

The Science:

In a work conducted in 2016 on behalf of the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, it was established that advantages of Pilates exercises improved dynamic balance and muscle endurance. Furthermore, Pilates has been applied in rehabilitation exercises when patients undergo recovery processes such as lower back pain and joint injury.

Enhances Athletic Performance

For athletes, Pilates adds an added advantage to their training in that they can perform better. The muscles’ buildup, extension, and support in Pilates improve the power and accuracy of different games.

The Science:

Research in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning was done which suggested that Pilates enhanced factors like the strength and stability of the core muscles and muscular endurance in athletes. These improvements make the wearer benefit in athletics such as running, swimming, and tennis.

Accessible to All Fitness Levels

No matter your fitness level, you can plan on engaging in Pilates since it is a very friendly exercise for all. Under the direction of a certified Pilates instructor, one can compromise on exercises safe for individuals of all ages.

The Science:

Research has revealed that even first-timers and also the most experienced Pilates doers get to learn from Pilates. In turn, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity concluded that even advantages of Pilates exercises to improve functional motor and balance among elderly people is proven. This, of course, is where a certified Pilates instructor can guide client through a number of Pilates exercises and proper Pilates workout.

Finding Pilates

Take time to seek certified Pilates trainers so that you are assured of being under the right trainer. When you type Pilates many studios provide in-house and virtual training, meaning you can attend Pilates lessons anywhere you prefer. In this regard, ensure that the class you select has the right activity level for you, depending on your level.


Change many facets of an individual, such as improving flexibility, posture, mental health, and preventing injuries. Pilates is based on the principles of science and, therefore, very suitable for anyone in the quest for fitness and health. If you want to start, you can find a certified Pilates instructor to help you enhance your physical health.

Divisha Sharma

I'm Divisha Sharma, content writer who has a huge passion for poetry. I'm also a certified Pilates instructor by iKore Pilates and love to share my passion for movement and mindfulness with others.

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