
5 Best Practices of Parallel Testing

This type of UI test is known for facing challenging and time-saving issues in direct relation to their implementation across diverse platforms. Although the browser, device, or emulator remains irreplaceable, there are a few related shortcuts you can utilize to optimize the process and bring the testing to another level. Agile development methodologies include test automation and Parallel testing.

What is known as Parallel Testing?

The tests in terms of UI are often run simultaneously on the CI server for integration before deployment. Such as an AUT nighttime before a deployment the following day to confirm everything worked out fine. On multiple platforms, these tests can act. Independent ways to set up an environment for the device or browser are needed.

The workaround of parallel testing to limit the fast speed of UI tests is to run them asynchronously by scheduling multiple tests to run steadily. Due to the fact of the Xcode 9, now by Apple’s programmers can in a coincident manner make multiple tests for different devices, which, their time significantly. On the other hand, these same perceived limitations pushed the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to enhance their privacy options over time.

While parallel testing does not usually test platform interrelating units, dispersed testing might do it. Concurrent testing of several apps at a time or a more granular approach for a particular software may be needed to speed up testing and receive better reports. Consequently, the user interface tests are executed in a shorter timeframe and are hereby very well equipped for use as early warning signs in the Agile software development area.

Good Practices for Parallel Testing

I will then share some tips below that can help you obtain the desired outcomes from parallel testing and take it to the next level.

Setting up cloud infrastructure

The local infrastructural side of global testing of a new product is one of the costliest. It is the privilege of the computer organization to run many testing trials, together with an array of hardware, programs, and other mobile gadgets, all at the same time. While the private cloud has fixed fees for the usage of infrastructure, the public cloud system bases those fees on actual usage. The quality control team can achieve the use of multiple virtual machines (VMS) running the script on the cloud-enabled testing platforms within a set time frame using different settings by switching off the machines when done with the experiment. The cost is one-time, and the fleet life-cycle is long, but it is predominantly utilitarian.

Evaluation and enhancement of the complete set of tests

Testers often go beyond and try to add every stub that will achieve better test coverage. However, their true efforts will be realized if they opt to run in parallel with the signature. It becomes relevant to select only the tests with a sharper focus on higher-risk code logic and across complicated parts of the application. Case tests should be subjected to a constant coverage analysis to identify any gap(s) that require further amplification to achieve the objectives. To improve the efficiency of in-parallel testing, besides maintaining the independence between test cases, they also should prevent dependencies between them from being created.

Therefore, a mixture of the metrics/data and analytic performance of tests is also called to check the outcome and find out the points in need of progress. They can accomplish such a tool by designing their testing strategy to either target exhausting testing as much as possible to provide their clients with quality software or by developing effective periodical tasks.

Creating atomic test scripts

In focusing on a single possible scenario only, the test scripts should look into a single scenario. This phase enables QA to identify carefully the bugs and set the functionality and the test objective. It is highly essential to apply the most reliable techniques when composing atomic test scripts including using simple logical or deprived dependence, suitable data sets, and clear and precise test names. The shift should be towards thinking of exercising more complex tasks as a set of small, less complex parts whose organization is defined by the modular concept.

Atomic test scripts prepared by the QA teams can be tremendously effective and clutter-free because of the thorough and clear instructions these scripts provide. Greater quality in software, faster throughput of products, and higher customer satisfaction are the results that can come about through agile development. The proposal is a simple idea that can eventually be a game changer to overall achievements in software projects.

Executing different test scripts

When the results of the two testings are overlapping, one of them cannot pass depending on the outcomes of the other. QA can use autoscripted tests to stop most of the failing tests from the year 2021. Automated test scripts, that are self-contained and uninterested in other tests, can be readily used in agile testing by QA teams. The exercise experimenter has a unique opportunity to practice different test exercises without being bound by the results of other tests. A significant increase in development speed and reliability can be obtained by QA departments that look into details to minimize the number of tests that are stopped in the middle of the run.

Testers should Abbreviate best practices like modularization of the code, choosing the relevant data sets, and taking dependencies carefully, when they will be re-writing autonomous tests. As for them, they need to get around testing automation tools that help the simultaneous testing of several tests being executed and give the ability to manage the dependencies between them.

Making sure tests run at the correct pace

This is an obligation of the testers to standardize scripts in a way that executes each script within a minute during local testing. Moreover, the implementation of a lengthy test script can result in a greatly extended test period and a slower product release stage. Over time we would catch a glimpse of test stuff which we would find soon boring and hardly able to specify the issue. Developers can prevent many chops and make continuous improvements by writing test codes that are both concise and recyclable.

Testers should follow best practices. Efficient code, the least possible dependencies, and the right tools should be used for testing automation. These actions will guard them to rates needed for tests to run. Further, they need to have in effect a close oversight of how the tests are functioning fine and offer immediate remedies to errors that pop up to optimize the performance. By doing that, software testers can be sure the speed and reliability of software delivery is always consistent and hence this way of work contributes to the preservation of high standards of quality.


The application of parallel tests, which is one of the most promising methods for improving a CI/CD pipeline in the context of reducing costs along with the risks and efforts involved, can be considered. Along with cutting the quality assurance budget and making it possible to achieve higher multiple-case work and concurrency, we are continuously advancing our scripts to gain more precise insights. Nowadays, existing paralleling tools provide us with myriad opportunities to maximize the benefits of this testing strategy and therefore to reduce the overall SDLC.

Amanda Mills

I’m a Web Designer, Freelance Writer, and Digital Marketer with a study background in Logic, Philosophy, and Journalism. I’ve always had an unwavering passion

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