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overbite after braces
By JAKES LESSOR 4,460 views

Learn How To Fix Overbite After Braces

Do braces actually fix overbite before and after braces? The simple answer to this question is yes, and it’s not necessarily the braces themselves that correct the overbite but rather the process of getting braces to fix the overbite in the first place. With that said, there are multiple ways to correct overbite, and depending on the severity of your particular case, these approaches will vary quite significantly. In order to help you determine whether or not braces are indeed an effective way to fix your overbite, let’s take a closer look at what exactly it means to have an overbite and how to fix overbite after braces.

What Does it Mean to Have an Overbite?

Before we delve into how to fix overbite after braces, it’s important to understand what an overbite is. In short, it’s when your upper jaw juts out past your lower jaw. It affects 30 million Americans and up to 60% of people worldwide. For some, it can be a minor annoyance, but for others, it can lead to serious health problems like facial pain and TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). These issues often result from additional stress on your teeth that causes them to shift positions—which in turn throws off their alignment with other teeth. The best way to fix overbite after braces are by avoiding those issues in the first place.

How Can I Tell if I have an Overbite?

If you have an overbite, it’s often a matter of your upper and lower teeth not lining up. This can make chewing difficult. An overbite is often caused by genetics and sometimes improper positioning during childhood development. If you have braces as a child, your overbite will likely be fixed, but if you don’t get braces or other treatment in time, your jaw could continue to grow and develop incorrectly. Your orthodontist can help prevent that from happening with early intervention such as braces when there is still enough room for correction. If your overbite hasn’t developed yet, talk to your orthodontist about whether getting braces now will solve future problems before they occur.

What Are My Treatment Options if I Have an Overbite?

So, you’ve had braces and they didn’t fix your overbite. You might be wondering, Do I need jaw surgery? Let’s look at your treatment options to fix an overbite after braces first. If that doesn’t work for you or isn’t feasible, we’ll help determine whether orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery) is necessary. Even if it turns out you do need orthognathic surgery, don’t worry! We can help make sure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible so that you’re back to smiling in no time!

What Causes an Overbite and Why Does it Happen?

In order to answer our first question about what causes an overbite, we need to ask another: What is an overbite? Technically speaking, it’s when your top teeth are higher than your bottom teeth. In most cases, overbite is used as a catch-all phrase for underbites and overbites alike. Here at Smile Direct Club, we like to think of overbite in a slightly different way – as underbites that go too far. An extreme underbite (when your top teeth are lower than your bottom) can make it look like you have an overbite. But even if your top teeth are higher than your bottom ones, not all overbites are created equal. Some types of overbite don’t require treatment while others do. And some types require more extensive treatment or surgery than others. To find out which type of overbite you have, talk to one of our dentists today! They’ll be able to assess your mouth and determine if you’d benefit from braces or other orthodontic treatments! If you’re considering getting braces but aren’t sure if they’re right for you, schedule a consultation with us online or call today! We offer free consultations so there’s no reason to wait any longer.

The Final Word on Treating An Overbite

When it comes to picking a color for your braces, there are no hard and fast rules. Many patients choose to go with white or clear brackets and wires—but if you’re looking for something a little different, you can even choose to get blue or black brackets! The important thing is that you love what you see when you look in the mirror. If lime green would make your day, then go for it! But if those funky colors aren’t doing anything for your confidence level, don’t waste time getting them in place; stick with something more traditional that makes your smile light up.

Just be sure to check out our other post on whether you should straighten your teeth first! And remember: A lifetime of healthy smiles starts with one visit to Dr. Gerstenfeld’s office. Schedule yours today by calling

Will My Gap Ever Close Without Surgery?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is that there are special teeth-straightening devices on the market, but they’re not permanent and will only work if you wear them regularly. The straightening effect of those devices diminishes over time, so you have to re-wear them on a frequent basis (daily) in order to maintain your progress.

If you want green braces, go ahead and get them! It might be fun to see how many different shades of green exist out there—or even get custom-made ones with your name or initials on them. But if you want to avoid going through all that hassle, just stick with traditional metal braces. They may not be as fashionable as colored alternatives, but they do what they need to do: straighten teeth!

When you’re ready to enhance the appearance of your smile, you can do a quick Google search for a term like dentist near me Kissimmee” to find a dentist and get started.

Jakes lessor

orthodontic braces : Some people resist smiling even at happy moments, or they cover their mouth with their hand just because of their crooked teeth.

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