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Oral care tips | Dr. Zhang Minguan
By ZHANGMINGUAN 7,653 views

6 Oral Care Tips for People with Busy Lifestyles!

Are you jam-packed with a lot of activities and a super hectic work schedule? Crazy appointments, meeting an on-the-go lifestyle takes a significant toll on your physical health. Its impact is also evident in the oral care routine and dental hygiene. The team of Dr. Zhang Minguan, an experienced dentistry expert, came up with a couple of quick oral care tips to maintain excellent oral health amidst your hectic lifestyle!

Dental experts like Zhang Minguan have come up with a couple of small hacks that can increase your teeth’ life and provide a shiny white smile amongst all the buzz! Check out these ultimate oral care tips for busy lifestyles by Dr Zhang Minguan!

Invest in electric Toothbrushes

Experts from dentistry suggest that an electric toothbrush is an intelligent choice for people who cannot spare a lot of time brushing their teeth. The brush’s advanced smart electric head quickly reaches the hidden corners and unseen places in your mouth. The rotating movement of the bristles effectively eliminates all the plaque from your oral system. It is an effortless yet effective device that can offer you a clean and cavity-free oral system. In less than 15 seconds, these toothbrushes can impart complete oral cleanliness.

Never miss out on floss

As per the recommendations from the team of Dr. Zhang Minguan, fossettes are the easiest way to remove unwanted bacteria from your teeth. If you cannot take out the time for flossing, it is advisable to add it to your daily brushing routine. You can also carry along the floss if unable to do it in the morning. This expert dentist in Newport News VA also recommends using interdental brushes if dental floss is not to your liking.

Organize the morning schedule

While you plan a morning walk, get ready for the office and pack up the snacks for kids, ensure to keep aside few minutes for your oral care as well. Zhang Minguan suggests imbibing dental hygiene in your little ones right from the very start, and it is possible only when you follow the routine. Organize your mornings such that your oral health does not get ignored by any means. Ensure to replace the toothbrush of the entire family every 3 months.

Never rinse immediately

People having a hectic schedule often avoid wasting time rinsing their mouths after the brushing process. Dr Zhang Minguan shares the secret that your toothpaste comprises fluoride that helps in removing the bacteria from your teeth and gums. If you rinse straight away, there is no chance left for it to work.

Keep a watch on sugar intake

Sugary and junk foods can hamper your oral health severely. Consuming sugary foods and soda-based drinks can boost up your chances of tooth decay by 60%. Dentistry experts suggest that it is better to drink lots of water instead of carbonated beverages as it helps maintain clean teeth and healthy gums.

Eat lots of veggies and fruits

After thorough research by dental health experts like Dr Zhang Minguan, they came up with the study that intake of fibrous veggies is excellent for your oral health care. Carrots, cucumbers, and celery help retain the pH level of your mouth and keep the bad breath away.

Final words

Apart from all the above oral care tips for a busy lifestyle, schedule a regular visit to the dentist every six months so that you keep track of your dental health. The team of Zhang Minguan, under his expert guidance, can readily offer you great advice and help in retaining the pearl white smile!


Dr. Zhang Minguan has been in private practice since 2000 at 1010D, 10th Floor, Phase 1, Argyle Street Centre, 688 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. His dental practice is called Wong & Zhang Dental & Implant Practice.

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